Facial Awareness.
I'm not really that arty or crafty. If you've read my blog at all you'll know it's one big adventure after another where I set out to create something and it turns to crap. Notable examples include any time I try to cook, make cupcake frostings, knit, make Christmas ornaments, etc. (see previous blog entries for reference if you don't believe me). But I love makeup. And makeup is my version of art. My grandfather is a painter, or at least he used to paint. We've had these two beautiful paintings he did hanging on the walls of our homes for as long as I can remember. And I always wanted to be able to do something like that. Even my mom is really crafty! Our house is filled with things that she's made, pots that she's painted or ornaments that we made when we were younger. She makes gorgeous knitted and crocheted things and does really intricate needlework on lace tablecloths. I come from some pretty talented stock. So you'd think I'd be able...