Cover Yourself With Words.

I LOVE to read! LOVE! I have mentioned this before... I read a lot all the time, it's part and parcel with being in academia. Sometimes it's awesome and sometimes it makes you want to claw your eyeballs out and mail them to said boring researcher. I try to read for myself during the school year because I have to do things for myself. Not just going to the movies and getting pedicures every 6 weeks, although I do that as well. But something that I love in the very depths of my soul. I love to read. And if I don't do it for fun every now and then I feel like part of me will disappear. And no judgement on people who don't. Don't read me saying that. I will never be able to understand what it's like to not enjoy reading because it's always been my favorite thing to do. Both of my parents like to read and it was a hobby that was encouraged. I got into school when I was 4 years old because I could read. It makes me sad to think that the world of books is not ...