A Year Apart

Everything you read about relationships always tells you the worst thing you can do is stay together when you'll be long distance. It's literally the biggest DON'T when you're trying to date. I always said I'd never do long distance because it sounded awful and hard and it never seems to work in the end. And then I meet Tim. And everything is perfect. OK not perfect, but it was amazing. I've never had this experience of being with someone who shared so many of my interests, made me feel like I was interesting and had important things to say and contribute. Tim made me feel special and beautiful, and we had a lot of fun together from the beginning. He was so sweet and concerned that I had fun, and I found him so fascinating. He would text me every morning and we would text all day and talk at night and never ran out of things to say. He completely swept me off my feet and I stopped second guessing myself and started to feel comfortable and at home. But life d...