Canadian Thanksgiving

Today is Canadian Thanksgiving. A day I haven't given a lot of thought to since 1997 when we celebrated our last Thanksgiving in October and switched to celebrating during November with the rest of the U.S. But this year my parents and one of my sisters are in Canada and celebrating their first October Thanksgiving in 23 years and they're doing it without me. And I'll be having Thanksgiving here without them. It'll only be the second one where I haven't been with my family. The first one was a few years ago when I decided to stay in Texas and was lucky enough to have a good friend invite me to her family's. While I had a great time with them, everyone ate the cheesecake I brought because I make amazing cheesecake, I wished at the time that I went home. Mostly because the town that shall not be named had their own lame ass parade that they aired live that morning instead of airing the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade which I still think should be illegal. I do...