Day 11: "You Saw the Polar Bear Swimming? I Think That Was A Duck."

My last day in New York.

It was bliss. I slept in a bit, not too late because the weather channel said there would be scattered thunder storms with rain and I was planning to go to the Central Park Zoo and didn’t want to get there and have all the animals hiding because they were wet.

But it never rained at all.

I got to Central Park and walked through the crowds of people watching the street vendors draw caricatures and portraits of their children, the guy making balloon animals and selling cotton candy to the ticket window for the zoo.

It isn’t very big, the zoo only has four main areas that house a few animals but I was there to see the Polar Bear. I LOVE Polar Bears and there aren’t any in the Phoenix Zoo which I was just at over Spring Break and it’s not a real zoo without Polar Bears, although they make no sense in a desert climate. I get it, but I hate it.

The main entrance leads straight to the Tropic Zone or the Sea Lions and I went to the Sea Lions first. There are 3 that hang out in the main area on a regular basis, 2 older ones and a new baby almost 1 year old and super cute. These Sea Lions are complete show boaters! I adore them, but they show off to an excessive level. They had posted times for feedings when the trainers come out and get them to do tricks so I knew I wanted to check that out later and made my way down the road.
I had a map but I decided to just walk around and see where I ended up.

Unfortunately, during my first trip around I missed a few animals and had to double back, but again there are only a few on display anyway so I knew which I hadn’t met. But also, a lot of them weren’t out. It wasn’t that hot but they were nowhere to be seen. I saw the Turtle pond and it’s dozens of Turtles. There were no Snow Monkeys out, the Snow Leopard wasn’t out and according to the sign they sleep 15 hours per day so that’s the kind of animal you want in a zoo; the ones who are good at hiding and sleeping. There were various birds penned up along the path which I like to see; so many pretty colors and crazy beak shapes.

And then I was in the Polar Circle. The Polar Bears! There are 2!! I only saw 1, I wasn’t sure if it was Gus or Ida but according to the picture on the magnet I bought later at the “Zootique” it was Ida. I kind of camped out in front of the plexi-glass to get a look at the Bear.

I’m bad at the zoo. I’m there to see the animals. Not show them to a child. I am the child. If they want a front row seat they should get there before me. They were all running around, screaming, smelling like number 2 so the fact that a bunch of them smacked themselves into my camera bag as they ran at it headfirst didn’t really make me feel bad. After a while, the fact that it was swinging didn’t even concern me.
From the top deck I saw the Polar Bear walk around and eat some grass and jump in the water and play with some of the toys the zoo people put in the area. It was the cutest thing I’ve ever seen!

When I’m old and crazy, or just crazy whichever happens first, and you see me leaving the house with two Cokes you know I’m going to find a Polar Bear to get a hug so maybe tell someone.

I stayed there for a long time. But it’s my favorite part of the zoo.

Next up was the Harbor Seal who was upside down half under the bridge so you had to lean over to see “him” at all. There were ducks and other birds in the water with him and one of them was either giving itself a bath, had an itch, or was having a seizure.

I went into the Penguins and Puffins area where I maintained my lifelong confusion of Penguins. Every time I see them I am somehow convinced that the ones on the ice, not in the water, are robotic. Ever since I was a little kid I always thought the ones on the ice were like the “It’s A Small World” Penguins of the Penguin display. Never fails. I’m 24 years old and I still had to look really closely to see if they were real.

The place was packed so it smelled like little kids and fish, and I know enough about kids and fish to know they smell different. Most of the time. Here was where I heard more references to Madagascar than I have since I quit working at Blockbuster. I like to move it move it!

Every time I tried to take a picture, of either Penguin or Puffin, they took a crap right in front of me so those will probably be the ones I post below. One kid started to freak out and just started to scream and I almost started to cry because he scared me so bad. Who brings kids to the zoo? Honestly?

After the Penguins & Puffins, I made my way back to the Sea Lions to watch the feeding and it was so fun!! They play patty cake and have them do cool dives, and balance the tennis ball on their nose, and give kisses! I’m glad I saw it because I plan to never go back to Sea World in order to avoid being killed by a Killer Whale or Sting Ray and that’s where they do all that kind of stuff with the animals. The 2 older ones were not feeling having the baby in the tank with them and it was freaking me out. They kept barking at him and chasing him away from them. I really did not want to be witness to a baby seal death at the Central Park Zoo.

But they were distracted by fish and I moved on to the Tropic Zone. This part is awesome! Aside from the Polar Bear and Snow Leopard it was definitely my favorite. This is where they have all the Tropical Birds and snakes and lizards and stuff I hate and will kill if it comes near me while I’m in my house. BUT HERE! They have it set up like if you were in the jungle and it’s one of the most realistic (not like I’ve been in the Tropical jungle, but I can imagine because I’ve been here) versions I’ve seen. The birds were just out and flying around and it was actually pretty cool. I don’t like birds but I tend to do ok with things like this and it was great because everywhere you looked there was a nest or a different color or a rustle and something landed right next to your head.

They had some really cool snakes. Like a Boa Constrictor and crazy stuff that I’ve rarely seen. It’s still yucky. There was also a hall of Bats. I hate Bats. There are Bats out by my parents house and when I worked in Anthem they’d hang out (get it?!) by the trash cans and they scare me. I know most of them don’t drink blood, but they still attack and carry all kinds of crazy disease. AND they’re hideous!! As I was looking and trying to master my fear I heard one of the zoo people tell a little girl who loved the Bats that they had some just flying around out with the Birds in the other room.

Heck no!

But what do I see as I’m on my way out? A great big Bat hanging off the sprinkler. Seriously, huge! The fuzzy kind with the brown fur. Gah!

I was back at the “beginning” so I took another tour through the entire Zoo to see the animals I hadn’t seen or had skipped and the Snow Monkeys were out! They were sunbathing. Living the dream. I also saw the Red Panda which was tricky. He didn’t want to be there and kept running, really quickly, so everyone’s cameras were moving with him. It was like out of a movie or something where the whole crowd turns their heads at the same time. After a while he realized escape was impossible and climbed into a tree. I got a few pictures, but most are of a red blur or a Red Panda bum.

The Snow Leopard was out! All I could see was this gorgeous cat wearing purple sweat pants and doing Kung Fu. It is a beautiful animal though! She laid down right next to where I was, and another aggressive grown up tried to muscle me out to get the picture I got, but this isn’t my first rodeo. Elbows out right Mom!

And I went back to the Polar Bear. I couldn’t see her from the top deck so I just kept walking because I’d already been at this zoo for 4 hours, but then I saw the underwater observation point. I didn’t see it the first time! She wasn’t in the water when I got there so I waited. For a long time. But she eventually dove in and I saw it! I was right there! Underwater with the Polar Bear. She did laps for 20 minutes alternating between the front and back stroke. I didn’t leave until she did. I got a really good look at her feet from down there. Wow, are they massive! They remind me of slippers somehow. It was my favorite part of the day. For sure.

I finished up with the Zoo around 5 and decided to walk through Central Park before heading back to Times Square. I took a different path and saw a Carnival; I knew there was a Carousel but this was maybe a special thing set up for the holiday weekend, I didn’t get to see the front of it so I’m not really sure. There are so many ponds and places to fish. The bedrock that comes up is the only natural part of the park. It’s the only natural part of Manhattan. Everything else was designed and planted and it’s perfect. It really is a beautiful park. It’s completely isolated from the city even thought it provides the division of the West and East Side of the city.

When I emerged on the other side I was at the Plaza Hotel and while I was sitting on a bench watching the people and deciding what to do with my night, a street performance broke out. A bunch of guys were dancing and I gave them money! They were doing crazy stunts on the pavement! They deserved a dollar so they can keep buying Ace Bandages to continue dancing for dollars.

I’ve been in New York for almost 2 weeks at this point and tonight (last night by the time I get this posted) was literally the craziest I have ever seen New York! I knew that I was going to see Sex and the City 2 because I love that show and the first movie and there was no way I was going to miss seeing it while I was in New York. I also had to get my souvenirs so I decided to head back to Times Square.

I must have started to look like I belong because I got asked directions so many times. I knew where I was and where they were going so that was interesting.

I bought a New York magnet and shot glass. I also got a Broadway magnet that I LOVE! It has a bunch of different show playbill pictures on it. I also got my Starbucks mug for my collection so I now have 3. I’m so proud!

At the movie was where the crazy really came out! I was waiting in line for the theatre to clear and these two girls literally got into a fight right in front of me over the movie! It was insane! I don’t know what they were saying aside from the derogatory name calling and the pushing and bitch-slapping but wow! Grown women.

Fighting. Over Sex and the City 2.

It was good, but geez.

It was good! It was so great! The glasses she holds in the poster, she uses in the movie and I want them! They’re fabulous! The shoes are amazing, naturally. I love this show because it makes New York seem so glamorous. And it can be, I suppose, but while it literally glitters in the movie, it’s more brown and reminds me of immigrants when I walk the streets. I love it, I just think it’s 2 different vantage points. The fantasy is fun, but I enjoyed the real experience too.

But having walked the streets for 2 weeks, I do not know how they wear those shoes and walk as often as they do! It’s suicide! I mean, I can run away from someone in my 5 inch stilettos, but wearing them in New York City for a night out will never happen! I’d rather cut my feet off and resort to wearing my shoes as necklaces!
After the movie I got on the train to go back to Queens, leaving Times Square for the last time. It was just as busy at midnight as it was during the middle of the day. With more drunk people eating stuff. While I was on the train a lady started talking to me about her religion, which I respect in a way. It takes courage to approach a stranger and try to get them to believe. Especially when it’s crazy talk! She wanted to show me in the Bible where there’s a reference to “mother god” and I don’t know what the point was because I got off on the next stop because I was on the wrong train anyway. I’ve studied all this in a few religion classes and I completely believe in free will and the right to believe what you want, because I relate to God in a personal way that I believe is unique to me, but she was creepy crazy. She was literally yelling after me that “both mother and father god protect and comfort us!”

Sure thing.

My last day in New York.

There it is.

My trip isn’t over. I have a full day of train travel to see Niagara Falls and then home on Tuesday. But as far as my time in the city goes. It was everything I could have hoped and ever dreamed it would be. 2 weeks seems so long; graduation is honestly, a distant memory. It feels like forever since it happened. But this trip also went by so fast. I did so much, so many amazing incredible things that no amount of time can change or replace.

I am so grateful.

Tomorrow’s goal (slash what’s already happened): Train ride to Niagara. 9 hours. I read 2 books and wrote yesterday’s blog. A guy with ginger hair sat next to me at Penn Station and said, “I am going to make this the best 2 hours of your life” to which I replied, “Goody” in a tone that I hope reflected one Kelly O’Connor and he promptly replied, “Kidding.” He was a nice guy though, going to Hudson to visit a cousin and get wasted. Living the dream. And after him no one sat with me. The train is full but not crowded which is such a nice change from being pushed and shoved every minute of every day for the last 2 weeks. I like having my own seat.

A few of my favorite pictures:

Polar Bear.

Harbor Seal.

Fake Penguin?

Puffin taking a crap.

Sea Lion at feeding time.

Snow Leopard. Gorgeous!

Polar Bear doing the back stroke.


  1. Sounds like you had an awesome time, and really it was cool being able to read your blog about it. Now I know I have to go there someday.


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