"Because the Bigger You Are, the Better You Tell Time?"

According to my Mom.

But rewind.

This morning, myself and my parents got on a plane and flew to El Paso, Texas where I will be living for the next 4-6 years of my life beginning in August. The plane however, was the most interesting experience I've ever had on a plane. It was full of babies so immediately I'm thinking "why?!" And as we were leaving the gate I could hear someone singing. I thought it was one of the moms singing to her baby. I started to laugh because it was just a weird situation to be in. And then it started to get closer. I was thinking, "why is that lady moving? We're taking off!" And then I could hear the lyrics.

"So kiss me and smile for me.
Tell me that you'll wait for me.
Hold me like you'll never let me go."

And I thought, "oh surely not. This is too good."

Oh yes. The flight attendant was singing. She was singing "Leaving on a Jet Plane" as she walked the aisle to make sure no one was carrying anything in their laps and that their tray tables and seats were in the upright position.

Best. Plane. Ride. Ever.

But, back to business. This weekend's goal: To find an apartment and sign a lease. And after driving around all afternoon we were able to identify three possible choices and have chosen a place.

One of the guys from the program sent out an email asking if anyone would want to lease his place over the summer so I wrote it down as a potential place to live and upon checking it out it's (at the moment) the best option. It's close to the school, close to shopping, a good size, cheaper than other options, cable and internet included in the rent, and we're going back for a look at a unit we didn't get to see today. It will bigger than the one we were considering and may have the possibility for a washer/dryer hookup.

I don't think anything in my life, up to this point, will make me feel as grown up as having a washer/dryer in my apartment.

So after making a pros and cons list of the top three, I chose these apartments called Ryan's Crossing and it's still conditional on seeing the bigger unit tomorrow but it looks to be the best option and I'm filling out the paper work now so we can hopefully turn it in, get approved, and be on a plane back to Phoenix tomorrow afternoon.

Between the whirlwind tour of El Paso apartment complexes, we were making plans to go to dinner and my mom was lying down. We were talking about how there's a time difference between here and Phoenix and that at some times it will be 2 hours difference. I've never lived in a place where you need to change the clocks. I'm pretty sure on those days I will be late. Or early. Whichever direction it goes.

So I said: "I'm going to need to get a friend."

Mom said: "Yeah, you're going to need to get a...a big friend."

Me: "?"

Mom: "?"

Me: "Because the bigger you are, the better you tell time?"

Mom: "I knew I had to say something and that's what came out."

Classic exchange between mother and daughter.

So I came back to El Paso. For the first time since March. For the last time until I move here for good.

I hope I like it. I hope I find a big friend to tell time for me.


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