Quick, Quick.

I had an authentic Mexican breakfast burrito this morning. And by authentic I don't mean El Paso authentic, because frankly any Mexican food that comes out of EP is going to be authentic. This was straight out of Juarez. One of the undergrads in my lab, who speaks English but prefers Spanish, Berenise, stayed the night with her father and brother in Juarez. And bought breakfast burritos on her way to campus this morning.


Read this article please. Ever since I first learned of the situation in Juarez, in 2006 when there wasn't a drug war and the random killings of whoever's in range, but rather the concentrated killings of women and girls, I've been passionate about the situation there.

Now I live 2 minutes away I feel even more personally affected. It makes me sick that nothing is being done. An entire city that is going to be devoid of life soon enough right next door. It's desperation like I've never seen or known.


What's going on with me:

--I fell down in the hallway at school. Biffed it. Hard. My foot still hurts.

--I turned down the R.A. job. The Public Defender's Office is dragging their feet which is unacceptable but it is what it is when you work with agencies. I won't do anything half-assed. If I'm involved in research it's all the way and if I have to keep babysitting my data I won't be able to focus and that's not fair and I'd hate myself.

--I got to leave my office before 8 p.m. tonight which was awesome!

--The weather here is GORGEOUS! I am loving El Paso in the fall. Crisp air, there's always a slight breeze. It's just like Phoenix, but in EP.

--Christmas drinks are back at Starbucks which is always the highlight of my year.

--I'm going to decorate for Christmas this weekend. I wanted to wait until my last stats midterm was out of the way and now that I've taken/bombed it, my reward is Christmas. I watched The Muppet Christmas Carol earlier this week and cried, like I do, every year, during the Ghost of Christmas Present part. It is officially the holiday season in the O'Connor El Paso apartment.


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