Grown Up Christmas.

I feel like this year I had a really grown up Christmas.

I drove 6 hours to get back to Phoenix--I could have flown but how would I get any of my presents back? Or the coffee maker and microwave my parents let me have for my office? The microwave is a beast too. I could fit it and my suitcase in my trunk and that was about it.

A few months ago my friends from high school arranged for us to have a get together while we were all in town for Christmas. So on the 22nd we all went over to Natalie's house with everyone's husbands and kids (I don't have a picture because I didn't get one on my camera and no one's posted one yet-except Kellie but hers is on her phone...) and it was so fun to see everyone again! We've all kept in touch through the years but we only really ever see each other at bridal showers, weddings and baby showers. I haven't seen Stephanie since Rachel and Jordan's wedding and now she's married and has 2 kids! She said it doesn't seem like enough time has passed between now and high school for me to be working on my PhD and I feel the same way about all of them having kids. Maybe it's just because I'll always think of us as we were in high school even though I like who we're becoming.

My sister, Erin, is a Pharmacy Tech in Tucson and works an overnight shift and worked Christmas Eve and then sleep for a while before coming to Phoenix so we didn't open presents until around 4 p.m. which was weird.

But it was a nice, laid back, relaxing Christmas.

I did a lot of shopping though. A. Lot.

I haven't really made any resolutions yet. Last year I wanted to be brave. I think I was in a lot of ways. I'm happy with it anyway. This year I'm thinking I'd like to learn Spanish and I bought the Rosetta Stone software so hopefully that will actually happen. I really suck at learning languages that I need to speak. Sign language was easy and I was good but I have no ear for languages.

My sisters and I always get pairs of pajamas and take a picture in front of the tree wearing them. I'm usually in full makeup too. Classy.

My Dad and I wore Doctor Who shirts to watch the Doctor Who Christmas episode. It was my idea-I'm the nerd but my Dad was a willing participant.

My Christmas tree. Our first El Paso Christmas.

I'm making it a tradition to make Christmas decorations every year, last year it was a weird looking reindeer ornament and this year I made this garland. I like it.


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