From Mombobwe with Love.

While I was home, briefly, my Mom gave me a great present!

And in return I call her weird versions of "Mom." She loves me. I'm almost positive.

She's going stir crazy resting after having some major surgery and despite not having any pain or problems (thank God!) is on leave for 6 weeks.

So while she's been watching movies and shopping and having 3 hour lunch dates with her friends aka living the life we all want, she made me:


I LOVE aprons!!

I bought a really really fun one earlier this year from Pier 1 because I had a coupon and it was adorable! And my Mom decided to add to my collection!! I LOVE THEM!

As soon as I saw them in my old room I put them on all at once.

St. Patty's Day!

The most darling! I LOVE it!!!


Christmas baking time is almost here!!!

Thanks Mombo!!


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