Could I Eat a 6 Tier Wedding Cake?

I don't throw away magazines. I actually never have. Not at the time, you'll see what I mean just hang on... And for some reason lately it's started to make me think. I say "for some reason" like I don't know the reason, I have a basket full of magazines but haven't gotten around to buying a new basket in a few years (two. See? Not that bad...) so the rest of them sit next to the magazine basket, on the floor in front of my couch, on the trunk at the foot of my bed, at my kitchen table, in my backpack. And until last week were piled precariously high on top of the magazine basket. I knew I had a lot of books. They were literally everywhere. I put a bunch under my couch to keep them out from under foot because I ran out of room on the bar area. I live in an apartment so my kitchen and living room are the same room but there's a wall with a counter that I call the "bar area" because it sounds better than "wall with a counter" ar...