Could I Eat a 6 Tier Wedding Cake?

I don't throw away magazines.

I actually never have. Not at the time, you'll see what I mean just hang on...

And for some reason lately it's started to make me think. I say "for some reason" like I don't know the reason, I have a basket full of magazines but haven't gotten around to buying a new basket in a few years (two. See? Not that bad...) so the rest of them sit next to the magazine basket, on the floor in front of my couch, on the trunk at the foot of my bed, at my kitchen table, in my backpack. And until last week were piled precariously high on top of the magazine basket.

I knew I had a lot of books. They were literally everywhere. I put a bunch under my couch to keep them out from under foot because I ran out of room on the bar area. I live in an apartment so my kitchen and living room are the same room but there's a wall with a counter that I call the "bar area" because it sounds better than "wall with a counter" area. But on the bar area, I had all my books that didn't make it onto the shelves or under the couch. Sometimes in stacks, sometimes in piles, always just there.

But, I got a new bookshelf that my parents were going to donate and I arrange my books by category, fiction and nonfiction, and then alphabetically by author because I'm a bit of a nutcase. My DVD's are also arranged in alphabetical order. But that's a carryover from my days working at Blockbuster. It's just better OK?!

Even I was amazed when all the books I had just lying around on the floor fit on the new bookshelf. All. New empty bookshelf full. I like the order it brings to my books and my apartment and my life in general. I feel like the state of my apartment reflects the state of my life. When it's really disorganized and my stuff's everywhere, I'm probably not in the best place. May be temporary but I do know that as much as I hate doing housework, and believe me. I. Hate. Doing. Housework. Hate.


I feel better when my apartment is clean. When the dishes are done, when my clothes are off the floor, when my books are in alphabetical order.

But somehow the magazines have gotten away from me.

Since eighth grade.

That was when I got my first two magazines. And guess what?

I bet you thought I was going to say I still have them, but I don't. I just checked because I actually thought maybe I might.

I may have a problem guys.

But I do know that I did have them until recently. I can't remember exactly which move prompted me to throw them away, but it was no sooner than the year 2008. I was in eighth grade in 1998.

That's like a hoarder's long time to hang on to a magazine.

So I guess the good news is that eventually I let go of those old Teen People's or whatever they were (I actually don't remember but I'm pretty sure Jessica Biel was on the cover), the weird news is how long it took. And I don't know why.

I don't know why I need to keep a magazine after I've read it. Because I've read it, front to back. Whatever it is. Sometimes I only buy a magazine for the cover story like when I buy Details, a men's magazine, because Jeremy Renner is on the cover. And then I get to learn all about shaving and men's fashion and why men love Sophia Vergara as if we all didn't already know that. No, they have to do polls. Seriously?

So if I've read it and it takes up so much space once "it" has turned into "its" and its are on their way to getting me my own show on TLC why don't I just toss them? I have no answers and it's probably not going to happen. Not yet. Maybe slowly. Like somehow I have issues of Martha Stewart wedding that I got for free, again, while working at Blockbuster. I don't need them and even the cake recipes make something like 6 tier cakes... which I can't eat on my own... maybe...


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