Weekly Obsession: Podcasts

I love a podcast.

Every night for a few years when I was a kid, I listened to a radio show called Adventures in Odyssey. It was a family friendly show about a town called Odyssey where a man named Whit owns an ice cream emporium and the characters revolve in and out of each others lives solving problems and learning valuable lessons. It was my favorite thing as a kid and I would look forward to it every day.

Since that show, there hasn't really been anything like that to replace it in my life. Recently, however, the world of podcasts has been introduced to me. A few years ago, my sister suggested I listen to Welcome to Night Vale, and I immediately fell in love with how strange and bizarre the stories are. The podcast is presented in the form of a radio show where the host, Cecil Baldwin, relays the strange events in the town of Night Vale. The writing on that show is incredible and Cecil's obsession with Carl had me on the edge of my seat! I also love being exposed to new music, which Night Vale does every episode with the Weather section.

In the last year or so I've added some educational ones to the mix, some teaching tips and writing specific ones. But I just discovered Serial. Serial is a game changer.

Serial is part investigative journalism, part police procedural, part soap opera, all awesome. Narrator and journalist, Sarah Koenig, is investigating the 15 year old murder of Hae Min Lee and the conviction of Adnan Syed for her murder. In 1999, the two were high school sweethearts, keeping their relationship from their conservative immigrant families. Eventually, the broke up and one day Hae disappeared. Her body was found in a shallow grave three weeks later.

And there the story begins. Koenig revists the case in forensic detail. She interviews witnesses, pursues neglected leads, talks to Adnan Syed, who is now 32 years old and sitting on a life sentence, from prison.

It is fascinating. After the first episode I was hooked and cannot wait for Thursdays to come around so I can get a fix, like the junkie that I am. I love true crime; it's heart breaking and amazing what people do to each other sometimes.

The show itself has no real goal other than to expose as much of this case as possible. That makes it doubly exciting to listen to! What happens at the end? How will they tie it up? And who really killed Hae Min Lee? Did they get it right in Baltimore all those years ago?

Have you been listening to Serial? Got any other podcasts you're obsessed with?


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