Confessions of a Party Animal.

I'm not sure I feel like an adult. Sometimes I think I am; when people ask my advice or it's very apparent that I'm the oldest person in the room. But I was talking to my new boss yesterday about my work history and I couldn't help but think, "holy crap! That's some grown up stuff." But it didn't stick. All morning I couldn't shake the feeling that I'm just not acting my age or... I don't even know. But then I thought about what I did last night...

Confession: I had two glasses of wine and was asleep by 8:15.

The only reason I knew there was a storm last night was because my friend texted me after almost dying it and woke me up around 8:45...

..I did have a big weekend though! We opened the Miscast Concert on Friday, immediately following I had my first Improv show, then two Miscasts on Saturday, Improv rehearsal Sunday morning, Miscast Sunday afternoon, and then I did some work around the studio to get them ready for the next show. That's a lot of stuff! You're supposed to have weekends off but I think I do more at Brelby than anywhere else. I certainly haven't cleaned my home in months...

Anyway. What time did everyone else go to bed last night? I had so many things I wanted to do and barely made it through my second glass...


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