A Partial And By No Means Exhaustive List of Things That I Am Not.

I am not...

...blessed with a carefree personality. I want people to think I have that, but what I really have is a very anxious, argumentative personality.

...delicate. In my person or speech. I'm not fragile and if I have something to say to you I'm not going to tear you down, but I'm not going to tip toe around it. I want everyone to know exactly what I think about them.

...quiet. I spend most of my time thinking about or analyzing things, people, conversations, but if I'm not talking there's a reason and you don't want to push me to find out what it is.

...tidy. I'm looking at three laundry baskets full of clean clothes that will never be folded and returned to their appropriate place. It's ridiculous, but it's never going to happen.

...going to lie to myself. About the laundry. Or anything else. The social sciences training in me looks for excuses, motivations, reasons, but none of it matters. It's not up to me to justify or explain away someone else.

...patient. I've decided to make a life change and I want it to happen now. But it's going to take time and I'm going to be grumpy until then.

...mean. I'm direct.

...self-disciplined. I'll eat the whole bread basket if no one else touches it.

...going to waste my time being angry. I had a very long talk with a lot of people I trust over the weekend all of which boils down to me trying to decide if I'm not a forgiving person. I am, but that doesn't mean I'll stick around to see if this is a pattern.

...convinced penguins exist. Even now, after my last blog about them and all the people who've tried to explain them to me, I still just don't buy it.

I may not be any of these things and I'm working on some of them. And others I'll just pretend to care about with people who don't know me and it seems like something I should pretend to work on.


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