Confession Tearsday

Ugh. My poor neglected little blog...

...I think about you all the time...

...while I do other things...

...can I still confess things to you?

Confession: I am super emotional in horribly inconvenient times these days.

When I was in high school, we did a "most likely to..." slideshow of the graduating seniors; most likely to be on Broadway, most likely to be a pro soccer player, most likely to be a vet. Mine was "most likely to cry during this slideshow." I have a lot of feelings. But a few years ago, I was very unhappy and I cried all the time but I decided it wasn't helping me and I needed to stop. And I didn't cry for two years. Thankfully, that stubborn refusal to feel anything has ended, and I'm definitely more capable of feeling and letting myself express that in whatever manner I need to, but I can still hold it in if I want to.


...for those who aren't friends with me on Facebook or read my other blog, I'm in a show called Windfall about a guy who can't handle the responsibilities of life and fakes his death, only to find out afterwards that he's won the lottery.

I'm playing his Mother.

I love this part I have in the first show of the season. It's really hard and I'm enjoying it immensely! She has these huge emotional breakdowns and really heartbreaking scenes, and I've been working on all that emotion and how to portray it for the last 4 weeks. Something clicked at some point and I've been able to cry onstage which is new for me. I'm sure having audiences watching will scare me and I'll just dry up, but I've been crying onstage,  every night, for at least 2 weeks now.

And now I cry all the time.

I cried last night while watching "Modern Family" (they released ducks... it was a metaphor!). I teared up during Law and Order: SVU, I cried while listening to NPR on the way to rehearsal.

I'm a mess. Thank you, Theresa.

I've been working on some things for the blog. Not traditional confessions like we were doing, but some other stuff. But none of it's ready. It will be. But not now. But stick with me. I'll be back. And come and see my show! It's going to be the craziest of crazy times.

Photo by Fernando Perez
Windfall Information!


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