Confessions of a Cheese Addict

I've recently moved into a house owned by an amazing roommate! I got sick pretty much immediately but we're both very busy and we haven't had a lot of time to spend together in this house, but I think it's going well. I like living with her and hopefully I'm not driving her insane with how my things are in two states: 1) still boxed up and taking over the downstairs bedroom or b) everywhere.

There's a lot to love about our neighborhood--it's close to our job at the Theatre, it's close to a lot of stores so we can shop and come home immediately, it's beautiful--there are parks and trails and a things to do outside, and it's a really really cute house that I'm in love with.

But my favorite thing about living here is not how great the neighborhood is, or how cute the house is, or how amazing my roommate is... oh no. My favorite thing is that in our refrigerator, we have an entire drawer devoted to cheese.

It not only stays full of cheese, it continues to get more and more filled with cheese. Like cheese elves come in during the night to restock it. It's great to know, that no matter what else happens, we'll always have cheese.

I hope I'm back for a while with this one, but life tends to get in our way sometimes doesn't it?


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