Things I don't know how to do... but should...

Everyone's been finding lots of ways to fill their time in quarantine and so have I. I've read a lot, watched some movies and t.v., cooked a lot more, started a regular exercise routine, set up a cleaning schedule, but I haven't tried to learn anything new. I didn't make sourdough (although I did research how to and got some advice from a friend who was making it before it got cool), I didn't learn Spanish or any of the things that sometimes rattle around in the back of my mind as things I should know how to do.  

So here's a brief list of things I still don't really know how to do... but maybe will learn to sometime... 

1. How to start a fire without matches. Or how to start a fire with matches, if we're being real. I'm super scared of matches. So actually, I probably could start a very impressive fire with matches if I ever tried to light one.

2. How to lift my own weight. I can run (for a little bit) in six inch stilettos, but I have the upper body strength of a dying moth. I can bring in all the groceries in one trip, but I'll watch everyone else lift the couch and move it to where I want it to go.

3. How to read a map. Or utilize any basic survival skills. Find my own water? Can I eat that plant? When the zombie apocalypse happens (if we're not currently living in some weird version of it), I'll probably be wearing heels, and you should just leave me to die.

4. How to drive a stick shift. While I agree that understanding your vehicle makes you a more informed and advanced driver, cars are turning into computers, and I don't know how a computer works either so...

5. Take a good picture. I used to. I used to get photographed all the time but now I just sit and smile. I know enough not to have the camera anywhere underneath me but I'm not an influencer and nothing is insta ready so why bother. 

6. Decorate my apartment. I've been gifted some amazing art from talented friends that I have hanging up but then there's also the stuff I made myself in my first apartment that I still put on the walls. I've been trying to buy an area rug for months because I can't decide if I can just buy one or if I need to get a new couch cover or a new couch altogether, and if I get a new couch cover will it match the bookshelves I have in the room and do those need to match the area rug too and I've always wanted curtains and those should match for sure even though it's just an apartment and I'll hopefully not live here for the rest of my life but what is my style? What is style? What were we talking about?

7. Pair wine to a meal. That is fancy stuff and I'm not there yet. I have the cheap bottles of wine that I like and I drink them with any meal be it fancy or Taco Bell. 

8. How to change a tire. OK I know how but I can't do it. I have AAA for that. 

9. Sell old things. I just give everything to Goodwill or the Salvation Army. My mom and sisters are online sale experts and I can't figure it out. But it's probably just my stuff (see #6) because I gave some things to them to sell and we ended up giving it to Goodwill after a few months. So... what is style. 

10. Not set high expectations for myself. Like this list is ridiculous. And the pressure I put on myself to be good at everything. To know how to do everything. The way I've been obsessing about picking an area rug rather than just buying one to cover up the horrible apartment carpeting. This is a work in progress for me for sure. 


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