Give Me Novocain

I am enjoying a school free Friday night.

It's lovely.

For some reason I was on a real education high this afternoon; I get that way because I'm a nerd. But I had a great day! It's actually been a really great week in general. But there was really nothing more I could do tonight school wise, so I decided to put this energy into housework and baking.

I cleaned my living room and kitchen area, vacuumed the carpet, cleared all the stuff that's been piling up around my couch, put together a care package for Baby Barnes, and made up a batch of Molasses Cookies. I'm currently waiting for them to harden up in the fridge before I bake them.

A lot of new stuff was introduced to my schedule; I went to my first colloquium which sounds cooler than when I say I went to a meeting on how to handle academic dishonesty. I thought they were mandatory and I was one of 15 people that showed up in a department of at least 45 so yeah...but I'll go to all of them anyway. It's in my favor to let people know my face.

I also went to a writing workshop that was advertised for the past week. What was portrayed as being a workshop to give tips on writing in graduate school, writing a thesis, a dissertation, grant proposals, etc., was actually a support for graduate writers group. The professor who put together the lecture talked about her personal writing circle for way longer than was necessary, and then taught a revision technique that may actually be helpful. There was one guy who came who's getting an MBA who thought it was about him and rather than learn from the spirit of the piece we had to read got stuck on what the phrase "Mexican origin communities" means. And because we're all here to write and share life together we couldn't move forward until the squeaky wheel felt like he could understand.

Jennifer and I set a fixed time to meet to work on my first-year project. We're just thinking of ideas for now. She's been approached to organize and analyze data from the Public Defenders office. From what she understands, they want to figure out something about the offenders on their Mental Health caseloads with regards to recidivism and reentry. So we're trying to set up a meeting to determine what their actual goals are and if there's any kind of project in there for me. It's not my life's passion, but for a first-year project it should suffice.

I'm thinking of trying to get my capstone published so I'll be working on that. Plus my goal for the first-year project is to get published and I'm hoping that in a year or two I'll be able to present it at a conference of some kind. I'm already planning on attending AP-LS (American Psychology-Law Society conference) in March, just to see what it's like; I've never been to one before and I'm geeking out thinking about it.

And all this in addition to classes, my TA job, my work with the Probation study, and trying to maintain some semblance of a life aka finding time to get my hair cut.

It needs to happen fast because I'm starting to look like one of the Beatles.

This week has been good. Really busy and I'm exhausted, but I'm so happy. I really am and it's a blessing.


  1. Does it make me weird that I just teared up a little thinking about how you're achieving so much right now? I think it was the mention of you getting published that pushed me over the edge.

  2. Aw! Thank-you Shelby!! That is so nice! I've been thinking a lot about when we went to coffee a few months ago and what you said about us in high school and could we imagine ourselves here now...we're doing good! :)


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