My Butt Looks Great in Phoenix
Phoenix feels like a favorite pair of jeans. The fit is great, they're so comfortable, they make my butt look great. I've never understood people who say they hate Arizona because I've always really loved it.
The whole family came to pick me up at the airport. Apparently before I got there they witnessed blatant child abuse by a lady who was waiting with her children, and I started to sob. This is why I don't work with children because I would get so burned out and so jaded from seeing such horrible things.
But the weekend continued, and I've had a great time.
I had to sleep on a twin bed which I haven't done since elementary school aside from the times I go stay at the Campbell's cabin in Prescott. It was interesting to be sure. I kept waking up because I was teetering on the edge.
And on Sunday I saw my friend get married. She absolutely glowed. I've been to a lot of weddings and all brides are beautiful on that day but she was radiant. Truly. I had a really great time with all the friends I haven't seen in a while and I'm glad I got the opportunity to come back even for such a short time.
Somehow I always leave my parents house with more than I came with. Even this time when I'm flying and have limited storage space! I have an extra pair of shoes that I somehow managed to shove into my suitcase.
The next time I'm back, at least that I plan to be back, it'll be Christmas.
A few of my favorite pictures:
Morgan and Dash--so fun!

Me and the lovely Jessica who come Thursday will be living in New York!!

My favorite bridesmaids! Jessica and Niki!

The gorgeous bride!


Me and Sarah photobombed by Dustin. Next time I see her the belly will be a baby!
The whole family came to pick me up at the airport. Apparently before I got there they witnessed blatant child abuse by a lady who was waiting with her children, and I started to sob. This is why I don't work with children because I would get so burned out and so jaded from seeing such horrible things.
But the weekend continued, and I've had a great time.
I had to sleep on a twin bed which I haven't done since elementary school aside from the times I go stay at the Campbell's cabin in Prescott. It was interesting to be sure. I kept waking up because I was teetering on the edge.
And on Sunday I saw my friend get married. She absolutely glowed. I've been to a lot of weddings and all brides are beautiful on that day but she was radiant. Truly. I had a really great time with all the friends I haven't seen in a while and I'm glad I got the opportunity to come back even for such a short time.
Somehow I always leave my parents house with more than I came with. Even this time when I'm flying and have limited storage space! I have an extra pair of shoes that I somehow managed to shove into my suitcase.
The next time I'm back, at least that I plan to be back, it'll be Christmas.
A few of my favorite pictures:
Morgan and Dash--so fun!
Me and the lovely Jessica who come Thursday will be living in New York!!
My favorite bridesmaids! Jessica and Niki!
The gorgeous bride!
Me and Sarah photobombed by Dustin. Next time I see her the belly will be a baby!
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