For Shelby ♥

That strip of pictures was me and Shelby from 2005. We had gone to Tucson to see our friend Monica act in the Vagina Monologues. We've been friends since we were teenagers and I don't think we've really changed as we grew up, we just became more clearly ourselves. My friendships with these girls mean a lot to me.

Over Winter break, I flew back to Phoenix to attend my friend Shelby's wedding. Shelby was one of my best friends in high school and I'm so glad we've stayed in touch because I consider her to be one of my dearest friends. And it was very special for me to be at her wedding.

Shelby inspires me because she makes herself available to give love and to be loved. She welcomes people into her life and makes you feel like you've always belonged there. As her friend all I can ask for is that she find what she wants in life.

And I think she has, and will.

She's pursued her own interests and found a guy who shares her passions. And of all the weddings I've been to, only a handful of times have I ever seen anyone look at my friend the way Brian looked at Shelby.

And I'm so happy for her.


  1. <3 You have always been such a blessing in my life. I'm so glad that we've maintained our friendship over the years.


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