I've Got a Crush on Confession Tuesday.

Is there anything better than having a crush on someone? I submit to you, there is not. It's exciting and terrifying all at the same time. I love having a crush on someone. Which is probably why I do it all the time. I do. I crush on people for long periods of time, for a few minutes at a time, my friends, complete strangers I see in the mall... life is one big crush over here.

What I've learned, is that there are lots of different kinds of crushes you can have. And we all remember our very first crush, but of different kinds? I'm not even sure I do (and I remember everything), so let's talk about feelings. And categorize them!

The Friend Crush. Letting yourself get close to someone is huge! You listen to their stories, you trust them with your secrets, you invade their space and allow them to do the same. Having friends that you're just infatuated with is a great thing! 

Confession: My first friend crush (that I remember) was on my friend Destinee. 

The reality is that I get friend crushes a lot. Once I decide to be friends with you, I get a major friend crush and I'll talk about you until no one wants to hear your name ever again. And when I was 6, Destinee was the coolest. First up, her name was Destinee! With and "ee" at the end. Come on! Then there was her house; I loved being at her house! Her siblings were all older and her parents were really chill and they put yogurt in our cereal instead of milk which was the craziest thing. I watched "Fried Green Tomatoes" at her house at a sleepover. They had hardwood floors at her house. I loved that girl and her whole life and always wanted to be with her. Her family went on a mission trip and we moved to the U.S. while they were gone. We wrote letters for a few months after, but we lost touch like most people do.

The Admiration Crush. This kind of crush occurs when you idolize someone, like a celebrity or a teacher, who does things you find amazing. These kinds of feelings can be really intense, but they usually fade once you get used to being in the presence of that person.

Confession: My first admiration crush was Mandie Shaw.

She was the heroine of this book series I read as a kid. She was a detective, she was brave, she had lots of friends, she knew what she wanted out of life. I just loved her. I wanted to be her so badly. Because not only was she really smart, but she was also really compassionate, and nice, and solid in her faith, and I could see exactly who she was going to be when she grew up and I wanted to be like that. The only thing I never could decide on, was whether she would marry Joe when she got older. She always said she wouldn't, and I trust her, but Joe was so great. Why wouldn't she? We'll never know...

The Passing Crush. Ugh, the passing crush. I find these so disappointing, simply because I love crushing on someone. When a new person is really new and exciting you obsess, but the infatuation doesn't linger because something comes up that you didn't know that turns you off to them immediately. And it's so disappointing because But then you get to find a new person to obsess over.

Confession: The struggle is ongoing, as I will always fall for a bad boy.

So embarrassing. The only thing that I depend on, is that it won't last. I'm completely enamored with someone who lives a different lifestyle from me; someone who does the things I'm scared to do or could never dream of doing. I'm such a cliche.  

The Romantic Crush. The kind that can last. That keeps you up at night, that keeps you from using real words when you talk to that person/if you can talk to that person. Sweaty palms, thick throat, the butterflies, the daydreaming.

Confession: My first romantic crush was definitely a childhood crush, but that doesn't make it any less valid.

His name was Kyle and he had the thickest eyelashes I'd ever seen on a human boy. He was 2 years older than me and got the lead in all the plays at church and I always wanted to talk to him, and never did except this one time: I asked him if his sisters were twins (they weren't, but it was something we had in common because my sisters are 17 months apart and people used to think they were twins--even as a kid I was a great conversationalist). I carried the torch for him for a long time. I moved to the U.S. and would still write in my diary about him. Those diary pages are just awful.

So those are a few of my crushes by category. Tell me yours, I'm dying to know!!! And don't ask me who I'm crushing on these days... it's obviously you.


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