A Little Gush...

...I have a really great friend.

And I'm extremely lucky.

I've been thinking about friendship a lot lately. It's actually been a topic that's consumed my mind for the last couple of weeks, it doesn't help that I'm currently reading a book all about female friendships or watching all the seasons of Sex and the City for the past couple of weeks. But however it started, it's something I've been contemplating. Friends are important; they share your life, they notice you.

But more on that later. And by that I mean I've started writing again, on a regular basis, and I'll probably start sharing.

But my good friend is my Name Twin, Megan (we have the same name...) who sent me a fantastic package in the mail. While she considers it "the fail box" because it includes presents from the last couple of holidays and my birthday and sat in her car for a while before she got it to the post office, I consider it the best surprise of the week and validation of a great friendship.

One that I hopefully contribute to in an equally meaningful way.

The loot. A fabulous book of recipes I can put in the freezer--there's a section on single meals!!! I cannot wait until I'm eating again to try it out!!! The cupcake book is awesome as well!

I started to cry while going through the box and I pulled this out and was so moved that she had hand made it that I didn't see that it has Texas on it. Yeah. This is the only THE ONLY!!! piece of anything with the state of Texas on it that I will allow in my apartment. And it's because it's awesome.

Aren't these adorable?!!! I LOVE them!!! They're so me! They belong in my kitchen! She's seriously the best!!

I love. I've never owned anything like this and I adore it.

We both moved away from Phoenix last summer and when we were talking about it we both agreed that it was different than leaving each other since we were both leaving but I miss her a lot. I'm really really glad we keep in touch and exchange the odd package.


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