(Not) The Candy of my Youth

I saw Hershey's made a new candy called "Air Delights" so I bought a bag of the kisses. I love Hershey's kisses, I just do. But these... I was expecting these to be really special because they remind me of one of my favorite candies...

... Aero bars.

I bought one (among four or five others) when I was at Niagara Falls last summer and crossed into Canada and it was so amazing. I love candy from Canada, I grew up eating it, and I'm not sure if Aero bars are exclusively Canadian but they don't sell them this far into the States. And I miss them sometimes. Sad but it's true.

So when I saw these I got really excited! And for some reason forgot myself and thought they'd taste like an Aero bar. And they didn't. They taste like Hershey's kisses, but lighter. They're good. But they're not the same.


  1. If you find a Cost Plus World Market I believe they sell Aero bars there.

  2. Oh man, I have looked! I might just miss them when I'm there, but the one World Market here is a bit different than everywhere else. Thanks for the tip!! P.S. Love the blog updates of your sweet baby!!


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