Christmas in New York ~ 5th Avenue

The first time I was here, I wanted to see everything; I wanted to live here. This time, I wish I had money.

New York is definitely set up for tourists at Christmas. Which is actually a shame. The streets are all roped off and the police direct traffic to make sure none of the pedestrians get nailed by a cab or delivery truck.

Last night, my plane got in at 5 p.m. and by six I was at my hotel in Korea Town. The driver scared the hell out of me with his "driving." Without really knowing it, I guess it took the last year and a half to get over the last time I was in a cab here. Although that guy talked to me. This guy dropped me off on the corner and let me walk down the block to my hotel.


Because it was so early, I decided to go out for a bit. I'm staying in Korea Town and am close to so many great landmarks. One being, the tree.

The. Tree.

The mother of all Christmas Trees.

The tree in Rockefeller Center.

It is fantastic!! I watch the tree lighting every year on t.v. and I've always wanted to see it in person.

The downside is that there were a million people and that is no exaggeration. I got close enough to snap a quick picture and ran away as fast as I could. I had planned to get dinner while I was there but couldn't think of anything I wanted to eat. I'm never hungry when I travel. It sucks. So instead, I went to Magnolia Bakery and got a hot chocolate, a banana pudding, and my weight in Christmas cupcakes. They're famous for their cupcakes, but the banana pudding is fabulous! When I got back to my hotel I realized I didn't have a spoon so I ate it with my fingers like an animal.

And that was my first night in New York. Some woman asked me how to get to the tree-I don't know if I just walk around looking really confident, or my soul belongs in New York, but I get asked how to get somewhere a lot.

Today, however, was my first full day here. And I went shopping.

Shopping in New York!! Couldn't you just die?!

I walked to 34th Street, where a certain Christmas miracle occurred and started in Macy's. It is absolutely beautiful! And HUGE!!

I wandered around all eight floors, found a coat that I had to have and naturally it had no price tag so I put it back and had non-buyers remorse but when I went back it was gone (*sigh), and I got lost. It's that magical and that huge. But eventually I found my way and came down to the main floor to this.

Holy. Crap.

I thought it was busy when I got there at 10. 2 hours later it's a sardine tin. My favorite thing about Macy's, besides the coat, is the original escalators they still use. Wooden escalators!


From there, I wandered down 5th Avenue. All the really high end shopping is there and I eventually ran into Bergdorf Goodman which I went into. And if I hadn't been wearing socks up to my knees under my skinny jeans tucked into a pair of boots, I would have tried on a completely gorgeous pair of Manolo Blahnik's AND they were on sale!! Quick! What's 40% off $900?! It's really better that I didn't undress in the middle of the store to try on the pretty shoes because 1. yeaaaah... and b. I'm an impulse shopper and I love to impulse shop shoes, so I would be seriously Carrie Bradshaw poor.

If I ever get a job after the "if-I-ever-get-my-PhD" I will celebrate my first pay check by buying a pair of these. In New York. I will celebrate the fact that I have a job by flying to New York to buy a pair of shoes.

What. Up.

Then I practically killed myself by going to Tiffany's.

I've never been inside of one. It has 6 floors! I went to 2 because it was so packed, but every case I looked at turned me into a drooling idiot. Everything was SO sparkly!! I kept popping my foot like on Princess Diaries.

When you purchase an engagement ring there, they give you champagne and the gorgeous tiny ring bag in that beautiful blue color. I walked by one couple and heard to sales guy say $25, 000.

See what I mean when I said I wish I had money?

I can't fathom spending that much, at one time, on anything. Until then I had been considering buying a bracelet or something. Impulse shopper.

But that number made me lose my spending wood, so I left. One day, I might have a job, and I'll buy myself an engagement ring from there, not a weird marry myself ring, but they're so sparkly! Why shouldn't I have one?!

The best part of today was tonight. I saw the Book of Mormon. With the original cast! From the front row!!

The Front Row!!


O.M.Gosh you guys!!

I was close enough to see the actors who played the Mormon women were guys and they had hairy legs. I could see the sweat on everyone. Josh Gad, Rory O'Malley, and Andrew Rannels were incredible! I'm sure I was smiling like a big creeper weird-y but I couldn't stop. It was so fun! I've had the soundtrack forever, but couldn't have imagined what it was actually like. Oh my gosh. I LOVEd it!! I love theater so much and this show is amazing!! It's unlike anything I've ever seen and I'm so glad I got my ticket because they're sold out for months!

Now, I say front row and that is true. But it was front row street, corner of crap avenue. I was way off to the side and a lot of my time was spent looking at the actors butts.

Hey. Whatever. I've never sat that close to a live show and now I'm addicted. Prepare yourself wallet. This new thing is going to cost ya!

Best. Night. Ever. Such fun!! And any other cliche phrase to suggest I'm so happy right now.

So. Happy.

A few pictures from today:

Macy's from 34th St. Look closely and you can see the Christmas lights are in the shape of a tree.

Grainy, but the tree lit up at night. I love Macy's.

Macy's. It's beautiful on it's own, done up at Christmas it is amazing!

Cartier, darling.

Fendi on the right, Tommy Hilfiger in the middle, and Diesel on the far left.

City sidewalks, busy sidewalks, dressed in holiday style...

I'm pretty sure the real Santa works on 5th.

The Plaza. View from the park.

Inside St. Patrick's Cathedral.


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