You're Basic?

Today, someone called me "basic." I'm pretty sure it was a joke, but I don't really know this person very well, but if you know me, you'll know that I don't really care. This is a term that's been thrown around for years and I'll be honest, I'm not sure what it means. According to my sister, who knows everything, "it just means kind of bland or a trend follower... whatever is popular you like regardless of whether you actually like it or not."

That's definitely not me.

Mainly because I'm so out of touch I never know what's popular to begin with. How can I just follow the trends if I am blissfully unaware of what they are. Example, I'm considering buying a bowler hat and dressing in manner of Diane Keaton circa "Annie Hall" to present. Probably no ties though, I haven't really decided.

I understand irony. I can appreciate teasing your friends, but let's be clear, this is an insult.

So in the spirit of being informed, I've just read a couple of articles (I'm including urban dictionary in this), some incredibly offensive and stereotypical, and some pretty funny, depicting the someone basic or a "basic bitch." So, first up, this is a term that relates to women. I've heard it used for guys too, but then we're indicating that there's something wrong with being feminine, having traits like a girl. Not a great start.

I read a lot of different opinions; certain phrases or items that make someone basic. Things a person likes or has never heard of, all of which apparently warrant this kind of label.

The worst though was a bit of a doozy. This article entitled, "50 Signs You're Dating a Basic Bitch said, ' Her sense of humor is almost nonexistent. Jokes about suicide, rape, bullying -- "It's never funny, you guys."' Is that what's popular now? This is the trend? To make light of mental health issues, people ending their own lives? People following other people, scaring the hell out of them before brutally attacking them leaving them susceptible to disease and permanent physical, not to mention emotional and mental, scars. You're right, that is hilarious. Watching kids grow up feeling unwelcome, unsafe, telling them they're not important and that they'll never amount to anything and pushing them to the point where they kill themselves or a bunch of other kids. What else would you do on a Saturday? And if not finding casual racism or sexism or crap like that funny makes me basic, so be it. I see this as being a decent human being and if this tendency of mine means I'm basic, I can accept that.

I'm not sure this author knows what basic means, though. I'm willing to write this person off as horrible and not much of an authority on...well...anything.

Another article I saw, may have used the perfect phrase in that basic means "indistinguishable blandness." So a person with nothing unique to offer humanity.

So, someone who would call another person "basic?"

I think you just have to live your life. You have to like what you like. And if that's wearing Uggs, shorts, and a sweatshirt like you weren't sure where you were going that day, do it! If it's drinking Pumpkin Spice Latte's or loving roses, or whatever's popular, you have to be happy. And if you follow trends because you can't think for yourself or don't have the confidence to that's one thing, but if you truly love Victoria's Secret underwear don't let anyone tell you you aren't worth everything because of that.


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