So Much Nail Polish...

...not enough nails!

I normally can't be bothered with nail art. For a couple of reasons:

1) I can barely paint my nails to begin with. I'm right handed, which means my left hand is practically a stump. It may as well not even be here for all the good it does me. I already have the upper body strength of a dying moth, pair that with holding a nail brush for 5 minutes and I'll need a nap.

2) I'm not especially artistic. It's painful to watch me try and draw or paint or anything creative. Add in my stump of a left arm and it's a car wreck waiting to happen.

3) I just can't be bothered. I love nail polish. I have ever since 2006 when I couldn't afford to get my acrylics filled every month, and decided to stop biting my nails like I had my whole life up until that point. And ever since then, I haven't gone longer than 3 days without painting my nails.

But nail art, while adorable, is so much effort. To come up with colors that match or little stickers or whatever wizardry people who are much girlier than I (there have to be a few) use to doll up their nails. Truth is, I'm probably a little more bland anyway. I like one color on every nail. I hate accent nails on me. I envy them on other people; they're so cute and charming, and maybe I don't consider myself to be either of those things, but I just never feel like I can pull it off. Honestly, I get really annoyed with an accent nail if I have one. It stands out and I hate it for that.

But something came over me yesterday.

I wanted Halloween nails.


So I started googling, which of course led to Pinterest aka the road to Hell, and was immediately overwhelmed at all the world's creativity. I couldn't decide!! How does one accent nail? How does one theme nail? So I chose to repeat a pattern shown to me a few years ago, and did each nail different. 

Et voila!!

I want to do the sparkly mint one to all my nails. That's my masterpiece.

I think they look pretty DIY great. They'll last a week, like all other nail polishes, and eventually I will need to become Mrs. Rudich in Brelby Theatre Co.'s production of Revenge of the Space Pandas and I'm thinking all this was not in vogue for 1960's housewives. 

But I've been wrong before.


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