Over-Confession Tuesday.

Every Tuesday, you all gather around your computers, breathlessly waiting for this week's Confession Tuesday. What topic is it? What's Megan going to confess? What are you going to share in the giant Facebook thread that is sure to follow?

Confession: Every week I worry I'm sharing too much.

This week, I've been made to feel like an asshole because of something I confessed to a few people. It's a reaction that I have to a particular personality type, and I'm not exactly proud of it, but it's just the way it is. I do my best with those kinds of people, and I try to keep my distance so I don't act like a big bitch, but it is what it is. But I explained it to a few people who I thought would understand and they didn't so now I'm dealing with that feeling which sucks.

Just tonight, I had a conversation with a friend of mine about friendship and keeping secrets and I don't think, in general, that you need to tell everyone everything. Even people you're vulnerable with and want to share everything with. There are some things to keep to yourself, and others that you'll tell them in time. Not everything needs to come out immediately. Not everyone deserves to know everything about you.

I think I've been pretty cautious about what I put in the blog. Some people may think I'm pretty honest, but I know I could be more so. I think it's an important part of being an essayist... and writing a blog. But now that I know people read this every week I don't necessarily censor myself, but I do think more carefully about the way I present myself. Not everything about me is good. Or bad. Or weird. Or funny.

I'm not sure if I'll be able to figure out what kind of honest I am. Maybe it depends on the kind of story I'm telling. Or the audience. Or both. Or none. I have no idea.

Tell us if you overshare. Some people confess on the regular things that I would never tell another person, so I guess the definition of oversharing is different for all of us. But do you think you do it? Do you want to overshare more? Confess it to us!


  1. Oversharing is one of my biggest fears, and I think I do it all the damn time. I want to be an honest and open person, and yet I worry that I'm making people uncomfortable by telling them all of this about me. What if we weren't at that stage of friendship yet? Did I just turn today into TMI Tuesday? At the same time, I'm terrified that I don't share enough. Maybe I'm not opening up enough to people when I should. This is probably all just the social anxiety talking, though.

    (On the other hand, one thing I absolutely know for sure I don't share enough is how awesome I think you are.)

    1. Those are the tough questions aren't they? Am I honest or do I take it too far? I think a lot depends on personal preference, and also if you know the person really well. Or if you're like the guy I sat next to on the light rail who within seconds turned to me and said, "I'm only wearing one sock today." That's oversharing in a bad way.

      But you're lovely. Share away!! You're super awesome too, girl!!


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