Beyond Confession Two-fers-day

Hell week is over and the show is open! It was a rough one, but we made it and the show is truly incredible! Get your tickets for Beyond Musketeers: Utopia Lost! now!! I was so exhausted last week from everything that I honestly had nothing to confess other than how tired I was.

I could confess that I dreamed about the show. One night I called it twice in my sleep. I know I got through it twice because there's a particular fight where the cues were a bit complicated and it was freaking me out, and every time I would get to that part in my sleep, I would sit up. I remember also being a bit awake at that point, and having a conversation with Devon about why I had to sit up. He wasn't there, but I talked to him out loud like he was.

It was a strange week is what I'm saying. So worth it, but I was unable to write anything.

And for your suffering, I give you CONFESSION TWO-FERS-DAY!!

So I'll tell you about something I've always wanted to do, and something that I should probably be embarrassed that I'm obsessed with but I just don't care.

Confession: I've always wanted to tap dance through the Lincoln Memorial.

And I don't know why. Because I don't know how to tap dance, so it's not even like I'd be paying tribute with an art form that I'm really good at. I do love Lincoln, whether he's slaying Vampires or not, he is my favorite President. I guess I just always thought it would be fun to tap up and down the stairs, and then how cool the acoustics must be where he's actually sitting. Of all the forms of dance, tap has never been on my list of things to learn, which makes this one more weird. I just want to tap dance there.

Confession: I love the Sharknado movies.

It's a schlockfest with no redeemable value and I love every stupid second. I want them to make one every summer until Ian Ziering dies and then they can make him a hologram and keep making them. The special effects suck, the plot is ridiculous, the script is awful, and Tara Reid sleepwalks through them, but I set my DVR and watch it live... I want to relive it! I'm not especially discerning when it comes to movies, I really just like to be entertained, but I don't do these kinds of movies. I especially NEVER do Shark movies. I'm terrified of sharks. But I not only sit through this, I love watching dicks like Wil Wheaton get ripped apart on an airplane.

Mini-confession: I'm not a fan of Wil Wheaton. There I said it.

The new one comes out on July 22 and I've got it in my calendar. They're going to play the first two beforehand, I mean, I don't know why they wouldn't. You can't just jump in with Sharknado 3... how confusing!

So Confession Two-fers-day guys! In the 8 months that I've been doing these (I KNOW RIGHT?!) I haven't missed a week until last week. I feel like that's pretty good, but I'll probably punish myself for it. Or not. I'm still really busy. Thanks for sticking with me!

So confess!!! One weird thing you've always wanted to do (like my sister's friend who wants to go skateboarding whilst wearing a chicken suit), and some weird awful thing that you should probably be embarrassed that you love. Tell me all your secrets!!!


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