(mis)Adventures in Dating

Above all else, remember: It worked for Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan.

Confession: I don't know how to meet people.

Where do you find people your own age to meet and interact with? Through your friends, at a bar, pursuing your passions or hobbies? I guess but I have no idea.

My friends are split into two groups: marrieds with or planning-to-very-soon-have children and 22-year-old gay boys. I love them all equally as they both provide me with lots of things I need like love and support, encouragement, advice, fashion tips, continual confirmation that while I love children I never want children, glitter, baked goods, and people to impress with my wit and candor.

What I don't get are single boys my own age.

There. I said it. It is really difficult for me to admit that's something I want. Every person I've told has said the same thing, "it's human nature, that's not weird or bad." But I don't like the idea of me needing another person for anything.

When we were kids, we met people at school. I also had the added benefit of meeting people at church. But now. I have no idea where people are.

So I've signed up for some online stuff. Because why not?! I'm always (and sometimes the only person) supporting my friends when they want to try online dating, but now that it's my turn it feels ridiculous. And that's because meeting people online is weird.

And it's super slow going. Nothing's happened so far. And it's partly my fault. Because I am insanely picky. But if you give me some stock profile answers, "I like movies, books, and music" what am I supposed to do with that? Music, books and movies? Everyone like those things, pal. Next. And I also have weird instincts and I started talking to someone and knew immediately I wasn't interested. But other things happen that are out of my control, like the first guy I chatted with for a while asked me out and stood me up which doesn't really make me more likely to trust other people. I know that's his problem not mine, but to get crapped on right out of the gate doesn't make me think this is going to be successful.

So yeah. So far this little venture of mine sucks. And I'm not sure what to think about it. But this is what I want. For the first time, maybe ever, I want another person around. So wish me luck.


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