Where I Declare My Like for Nicolas Cage.

I've been watching a lot of movies lately and I came across "8mm," this movie from 1999 about a lady who discovers a snuff film among her dead husbands possessions and hires a PI (Nicolas Cage) to try to find the girl to make sure it wasn't real. I freaking loved it. It reminded me of "Seven" and while I know this opinion won't be popular when have I ever really cared about that right?

Confession: I like Nicolas Cage.

He's one of the best actors we have. And one of the worst. Often, at the same time, which is really impressive if you think about it. He's a hyperactive one-man train wreck a million times more interesting than Tom Cruise. Aliens would totally kidnap him first, let's be real. And I like his movies. And I don't have to defend it, and thank goodness because really, there isn't a reason. I don't find him especially good looking, sometimes he whispers when it's not necessary, but I like him. Because only a gypsy soul could make the kinds of career choices he does and apparently that's what I'm into. I like Nicolas Cage and his movies and I won't argue with anyone who says he sucks, because frankly, I don't care enough.

So because I've been so busy lately, I missed a few Tuesdays. Here's how I try to make it up to you! (the chocolate is in the mail...)

Confession: I have weird thoughts... that turn into weird actions...

So... we used puppets in the last show we did and they sat backstage with us when they weren't onstage. Makes sense.

What doesn't make sense is that when I would sit next to them to stay out of the way of actors or because they were always sitting on the comfy couch, I would pet them. All because I'm hoping to get in good with them now so that, when they inevitably come to life, they remember how friendly and nurturing I am. I would also maintain eye contact if our gazes met when someone was holding them. Not in a way that asserts my dominance, but that shows them I'm not a threat.

What we can all take away from this bizarre and random Tuesday is that I'm pretty convinced all inanimate objects with eyes will come to life and try to kill all of us, including Nicolas Cage, and I may be in an actual coma now that my show has closed. Tell me something weird guys, it's Tuesday!


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