Celestial Confession

When I was a kid we went to IMAX movies on school field trips to watch documentaries about the way the world works, the vastness of the universe, all that, and I was always completely terrified by them. Everyone else loved them, but the only one I liked was the one about volcanoes. The volcanoes documentary scared me, like in a woah, nature is amazing and terrifying way, not to the point where I never want to see a volcano. Fun fact, I was flying somewhere (probably back to Canada to see my family) and the pilot said, "if you look out the windows to the left of the plane you can see Mount St. Helen's." I thought we were right next to it, that sucker is huge! BUT the IMAX. I hated all the other videos! The enormous sharks in my face, the outer space ridiculousness that filled the entire room was so awful and have scarred me for life. Sharks will be another day because that's a doozy of a confession, so for today I'll just say:

Confession: I am terrified of outer space. 

The enormousness (real word alert!) of it all makes me lose my breath. Not in a cute, "oh, I'm breathless" kind of way. Like a gasping, sitting up straight, lips turning blue, pull out the paddles kind of way. It's always been like this, as far as I can remember. I almost passed out during one of these so-called field trips! I honestly wonder if this isn't the reason I was terrified to fly for my whole life up until last year (when I looked out the window to see Mount St. Helen's I felt all the blood in my body rush to my feet). When they talk about space-y things on the news, I can feel myself trying to sink in my chair or grabbing the edges of the chairs or tables I'm sitting at in an attempt to convince gravity to keep me. Like just talking about space will result in my being flung off the earth.

But I'm not a kid anymore. I am an occasional grown up who understands what I'm watching is CGI or green screen or whatever, but listen...I got sick watching the trailer for "Gravity." Like, my head was spinning and I fell backwards on my bed. And I hyperventilated in a movie theatre when that trailer came on before my movie. NOT COOL!

I get uncomfortable watching Star Trek sometimes. Fine, most of the time. I'm enjoying the action, loving watching Chris Pine, then I realize it's in outer space and I can't breathe. Firefly, Doctor Who, all my favorite nerdy things! It's so embarrassing.

So what scares the hell out of you? What strange or bizarre thing hides under your bed at night? Tell me, guys. It's Tuesday after all.


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