Confession Two-fer-sday?

This year for Christmas, I got my Dad tickets to the Marvel Experience. My sisters and I took him yesterday and spent a few hours with the superheroes.

I didn't even know about this until one night when I was watching a hockey game with my Dad and a commercial came on and he said, "I wonder what that would be like?" so I bought tickets and Christmas came early for him. I won't go into much detail about it, but I will tell you from the beginning they started calling us "recruits" and the whole experience was like we were training to be S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. The first part was Level 1 clearance and then after completing some training we'd be allowed to move on to the next level.

Confession: These kinds of things give me crazy stupid anxiety.

These sorts of simulated activities where you participate in different ways make me so nervous! What if I fail? What if I can't do something and they don't let me keep going? I know I paid for the ticket and that's all I have to do to walk through the things, but I can't get over this fear of inadequacy.

This applies to all kinds of similar things, for some reason I'm really afraid of looking stupid and embarrassing myself. I tried everything at Marvel though. I don't know if it was because I'd paid for it, or I'm growing up, or because I was with my Dad who was so unquenchably excited. But it paid off; I went through an agility field full of lasers and kind of killed it. I didn't break one until the end and placed 46th out of at least 1,000 people so...all that yoga is paying off.

And now for a first here in the confession section. A two-fer, if you will. (Hence the title Confession Two-fer-sday. What do you think? I don't know if I'm sold yet, I'm open to suggestions. We'll work on it.) Anyway, it's Christmas so I gave myself (and Devon) a present.

I like to eat. And you can tell I do because another of my favorite activities is not moving.

Confession: I eat popcorn like I'll never see it again.

Any time there's popcorn, I eat it like it will get up and leave me. I barely pause for air. I can't tell you how many times I've choked on a handful of popcorn, because I've shoved another one in there before chewing and swallowing the last one. Or the one before it.

A few weeks ago I was at the movies with new friends (I say new friends, they were practically all strangers. I'm not even sure how I got there.) and one nice guy said, "I only eat like five handfuls and then you can have the rest." And then he kept nudging this box of popcorn at me like we were going to share it, but I was too busy counting his handfuls because once he had five, the next nudge would be the last. That popcorn was mine.

I don't make an effort to share popcorn, but I will. I'm not grumpy if someone starts eating it, but buyer beware because I will not let you have a turn. If our hands touch in the bowl, I will take your handful.

And I won't even notice.

Confess, guys! Two topics. Two confessions. Two-fer! What horrible eating habits do you have? You'll feel better once you tell us. AND what things do you have the opportunity to do but are too embarrassed to try? Spill.


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