A Confusing Confession

This is a throwback to a confession I made a few years ago. Shameless plug, if you haven't read through the beginning days of my blog, I don't blame you, but it's all about my two week journey through New York and it's a delight.

But to the confession!

Confession: I'm confused by "penguins".

I don't really believe in them. Not like in an abusive, you'll never amount to anything, kind of way, but an I don't believe they're real kind of way...

...admittedly, it's very strange.

Ever since I was a kid, I haven't been convinced the "penguins" I see in the zoo are real. I thought there was a chance that the ones swimming around in the water are real, but the ones standing on the ice are robot "penguins". They look too still or too mechanical to be real. Like the Tim Burton Batman penguins.

And I can't shake it. If you clicked the link and read about my trip to the Central Park Zoo you'll see that a few years ago I wasn't sure of the reality of those "penguins", and it still pops into my head every now and then. I can't pinpoint exactly what it is, but something about "penguins" is just so wrong to me. If in the future it turns out that "penguins" are really an alien invasion of some kind, I'll totally believe it! If it turns out that they went extinct years ago and they've been using animatronic "penguins" I'll feel so relieved!! And sad because penguins. Poor penguins.

Anyone else? Anybody else question the existence of something that's probably real? Tell me I'm not alone in this one because frankly it's something that I can't justify to myself. "Penguins." What are this?


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