Famous People and Ugly Ass Hats

How does this happen?!

I love a good accessory, especially a hat! Not everyone can do hats, or all kinds of hats. For example, I look awesome in all hats except cowboy hats, which isn't that much of a loss. But famous people should look good in everything, right?! And maybe they would if they wouldn't choose such ugly hats!

Again I ask, how does this happen?! Why does this happen?

Come on, guys! You make so much money, some of you for doing nothing! And yet we care. We care so much about what you do and who you do, and that you go to Starbucks just like us! and especially what you wear.

And you wear this?
Never forget. #denim
Ain't nobody stealin' this hat yo Canada!
A classic in the horrible hat genre.
She calls it 1930s Vulcan. I call it craft day gone wrong.
Why do I care? Because Rose McGowan (pictured above in the felt space helmet) has declared via Twitter (which makes it law) that it is Hat Week.

And if it keeps going in this vein, "Hat Week" is the new Shark Week. I can't watch.


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