What's in my Bag?

1. My old broken down iPhone, along with my even older iPod. My iPod has all my music and my phone has the rest of my life. I have to have both.

2. Expired Bath and Body Works coupons. I thought about saving 20% but the opportunity just never really arose. And once it goes in the bag, it's never coming out.

3. Check book. Because you just never know.

4. Sunglasses. Donna Karen. $6. I don't believe in spending more than $10 for sunglasses.

5. Midol, Tylenol, and Advil. I normally have entire bottles, but over the holidays I've been vacillating between my purse and this badass clutch with the fabulous equivalent of brass knuckles on it. I can't be trying to shove pill bottles into a clutch so there are just a bunch of loose pills rolling around the bottom of my bag.

6. St. Ives hand lotion. Everything in AZ is insanely dry, and I never go anywhere without a bottle of water and hand lotion. (you'll notice I don't currently have a bottle of water in this bag, but that's because I'm at home; water's in a glass next to me)

7. Lip Stuff (10 lipsticks, 2 lip gloss, 2 red lip liners and a lip primer). Because sometimes you need to reapply and sometimes you need to get fancier than you already are so you should have options.

8. Pens (9). Writer. And in case anyone tries to do a hit and run on me (again) I have the choice to write a description of them on my arm or yell all their details at the dispatcher while I'm in pursuit.

9. Assorted items. A tide pen, a pack of Orbit white gum in bubblemint (obviously), Charming Charlie fashion tape, Cranberry Twinkle hand sanitizer, 2 tampons, 4 bobby pins, 2 hair ties, 2 butterfly clips. If there were any question that I am a girl...well... I can't believe there's only 4 bobby pins.

10. A clay Santa pin.

11. Keys (4). I feel like a janitor. It is seriously so many keys!

12. Loose change ($8.52). Not in my wallet, just kicking around in every pocket, lining the bottom. The bottom of my bag is where the money you throw into a wishing well ends up.

13. Saline spray. A few years ago I realized I was sneezing a lot. Like an excessive amount. So I started taking Claritin and it got better. So I diagnosed myself with an allergy of some kind. But wanted to get it checked out just in case I was eating a PB&J and my throat started to swell; I'd rather know than not know. So I went to the worst allergist in the world; he was so rude and condescending, and I really can't remember specifics because I was so enraged that I must have blacked out, but he told me I'm allergic to Palo Verde trees. The Arizona state tree. The tree that lines every street in this entire state. Everyone who lives here is allergic to those. That doesn't count. But, I had already gone cold turkey off the Claritin to ready myself for this appointment, and after having puffy eyes for days, I wasn't going to take it unless I had to. Recently I switched to an OTC Target brand and I ran out about a week ago (and can't drag myself to Target apparently) and I am miserable. If I ever don't have this spray with me, my nose closes up and I get an immediate headache from a lack of oxygen. So I keep it on me and shoot up like a junkie.

14. My Big Fat Wallet. That's actually the name of the brand. I got one as a Christmas gift a few years ago and I continue to buy it for the name and because it accurately represents what the product is, that being a big fat wallet. It can carry all my stuff. All of it! I'd have to do another blog post "what's in my wallet" to tell you about how many membership cards I have in there! (like a lot, maybe too many)


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