Body Conscious Confession

I am very aware of what my body looks like and I'm perfectly fine with me. It comes from being an incredibly overconfident child who grew into an adult who just doesn't care if anyone else likes it.

But there is one thing I hate about my body.

Confession: I have a tooth with a "defect" and I hate it.

It's not even a thing. I've never even seen it! But every time I go to the Dentist they look at it and freak out like it's a new strange alien thing that no one's ever seen before! The way it's been described to me is that I have a tooth with it's own tooth. The way it feels is like how the bottom of your canine (cuspid--the pointy one) feels except on the side of one of my molars.

It always goes down the same way:

Tech notices horrible mangled tooth.

Tech pokes at it with scrapey dental tool.

Tech: Does that hurt?

Me: No.

Tech scrapes at it with scrapey dental tool.

Me: Well now it hurts.

Tech: Let me get the Doctor.

Me: Don't you have this on the xrays from last time? I've been coming here for 6 years! We do this every time!

Doctor: niceties, blah blah blah, pretending to be interested but really only wants to look at the freak tooth.

Doctor pokes at it with pokey dental tool.

Doctor: Does that hurt?

Me: No. I don't feel it. I never feel it. Just like last time and the time before that and probably since Satan's tooth started to grow into my head.

Doctor scrapes at it with pokey dental tool.

Me: internal screams of frustration.

It is literally nothing. It's not an abscess. It's not a vacant hole sucking up all the Diet Coke I drink. It's nothing. Just a lumpy tooth. Don't poke it, don't scratch it, don't make a big thing about it because I wasn't body conscious before going to the Dentist, but I am now!

You're all perfect beautiful butterflies with absolutely no physical deformities or problems whatsoever. I'm the only hideous hunchback in this group so I'll give you some actual thing to confess to next week. Just kidding, tell me what you don't like about yourself but prepare for me to fight you on it because I love a good flaw.


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