My Lipstick: A Before and After

I love lipstick. I love bright bold colors and experimenting with looks even though I'm sure I break all the beauty "rules" with the neon orange and the purples but nothing I do to my face now will ever beat the fact that I wore two different shades of blue lipstick in Junior High.

A metallic light blue and a dark goth midnight blue. Everyday I wore one or the other. I think I got away with it because my Mom either thought it was for play or because at that time I was also head-to-toe covered in glitter and she knew there was no hope for me.

But you know what? Rules were meant to be broken (usually by someone else because I'm a good girl, except) when it comes to makeup.

Anyway. Let me paint you a picture of a night out with lipstick. As the title says, a before and after.

Before: I'm wearing red lipstick. It's taken forever because you cannot let it touch any other part of your face because it will stain. I've outlined my lips, I've filled them in, I've gotten the excess so there's none on my teeth, I've checked that there's enough but not too much in the corners so that when I smile it looks filled in but not clown-like. It's an ordeal is what I'm saying. And it's on. So I'm feeling like a #bossassbitch. And like sophisticated and stuff, right? Sassy adults wear red lipstick. Woo! Done. Am sassy adult.

Add one meal. Or a drink. Or wind.

Say goodbye to that guy.

After: The lipstick is not on my lips anymore. Oh no, it's on my chin, on my teeth, sometimes it's in my hair or on my fingers. One night, I found it on the tip of my ear.

So this is just part of wearing lipstick and being a grown up. Fabulous before, all over your face after. Confidence will out! That's the right saying, isn't it?
Real photo after a night out. Am classy bitch.


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