One Last Ugly Cry Confession

Parenthood ended last week. I DVRed the finale and watched it the next day. I had to! It was on for 6 seasons and now it's over. I thought they did a great job with the last one, but I don't really know for sure because I never watched any of the other episodes.

Confession: I watch the series finales of shows I've never bothered to watch.

My sister watched Parenthood from start to finish and she told me about it whenever I would ask questions based on the previews I saw during the week. And I asked her a lot of questions. The previews were compelling. Not compelling enough to get me to sit down and watch the show, but then again, I didn't have to because I basically made her tell me the entire plot. I accidentally watched one episode--I left the t.v. on while I was studying, but that and the finale are the only episodes I've seen.

I'm not sure why I do this. Because I do watch some shows from start to finish and I usually get a serious emotional attachment to the characters or the writing and want the finale to do justice to the show (looking at you HIMYM...) so why try to jump in on the last day and think that a) I'll be able to keep up, and 2) I'll care at all.

A small selection of shows I've only watched the finale of:

American Idol Season 1 finale when Kelly Clarkson won. I didn't watch any of the actual season. I know it's not a series finale, but because they audition and compete a new group of people every season, each one is different and in that way each season finale is basically a series finale. I had no idea who Kelly or Justin were, didn't care about Seacrest or his long forgotten co-host, didn't care about the competition in general. But I sat through the finale and watched the whole thing. And it did not persuade me to watch the next seasons.

Beverly Hills 90210. I watched early seasons of that show when it was syndicated, but there are so many missing years and I definitely didn't watch it from it's inception.

The Office. I stopped watching after Pam and Jim got married because it got so boring. I watched Steve Carell's last episode because he's the best and deserved a nice ending and that is what I consider the series finale because what is the point of keeping that show going without Steve Carell?

Does anyone else do this? It's like a sickness with me. I guess I like to see how things end. Or maybe I just want to sneak in at the last second and be part of something big without putting in the effort to earn being there.

So confess. Spill. What weird T.V. secrets are you harboring? 


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