A Short Confession of Things I Don't Understand.

There's a lot I don't understand. The world is big and ridiculous, and there are some things I'll never admit I don't understand (Beer. I always get an oaky hint of...alcohol), and things I should probably not admit but do anyway... Then there are things no one should understand like people who don't like to read, not washing your hands after going to the bathroom, Math. There's really no way I can come up with an exhaustive list, but I thought I'd give it the old college try this Confession Tuesday.

Confession: I don't understand...

1. Why the "h" in front of the word "herb" is silent. Why? No one's going to get confused! If you're making a salad and talking about the herbs they're not going to wonder if someone named "Herb" is going to show up. NO ONE IS GOING TO BE CONFUSED!
2. Bitcoins.

Are these bitcoins?
3. Crossfit. Is it a cult?
4. Frienemies. Why is this a thing? Who has the time and energy to have a frienemy?
5. Why people continue to watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians?
6. Why I put my debit card everywhere but my wallet. It's self-destructive is what it is!
7. How to work a roundabout. I scream until I'm back on the freeway.
8. Green tea. It tastes like grass.
9. Why no one I grew up with had a peanut allergy but now every other kid swells up when they see a tub of JIF.
10. Biathlons. Does anyone other than Jason Bourne ski cross-country whilst shooting a rifle? (That said, I love a biathlon! I just don't understand whose idea it was. What if it was Jason Bourne's?! Guys...)

So those are a few things I just don't get. You go! What don't you understand? Confess it to me! And seriously, anyone explain Bitcoins. Anyone.


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