Freaky Friday Confession Tuesday

Most of the time, I like being me. I'm wandering through life, figuring it out, and for the most part I think I'm doing ok. There are some things that I'd love to change, like how I never carry cash and end up using my credit card to buy a pack of gum. I don't know. Maybe that's charming.

Probably not.

There are plenty of people I try to be already; my Mom, my Nana. I'll never be kind or wise like them, but if I get close I'll be a pretty good person. So who else could I be?

Confession: I would switch places with Mindy Kaling for the week.

If I could Freaky Friday this thing and trade places with Mindy Kaling I'd have so much fun, and probably work harder than I ever had in my whole life. She's an actor, showrunner and writer, and editor of her show. That's three people's jobs and she does it all! And she writes books, does other movies, probably has friends, and has the most amazing fashion sense.

I think I'd have a great time switching places with her, but to be perfectly honest (and probably a little scary), I wouldn't want to just switch places with her, I'd rather be her. Like live inside her mind. The most interesting thing to me about other people, is how they think. How they see the world. I look at Mindy Kaling and I respect and admire her so much. I think she's an incredible writer, she's so funny, and has an amazing work ethic and I would love to know what her process is. How does she think about all the things she has to do and compartmentalize or let the chaos reign in her head, how does she do all the things she does? I definitely want to be her when I grow up.

So who would you want to switch places with for a week? Someone you know? Someone who isn't real? Tell me!!


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