A Love-ly Confession Tuesday

I think I have an obsessive personality. I definitely do once I get a drink in me; if I hear a word, or meet a new person, that's all I'm going to talk about for the rest of the night which is super embarrassing. But I think drunk me is just a sloppy me. So I'm probably obsessive in real life too, which is an awful thought.

But it's true. If I say something wrong during the day, I won't sleep thinking about that one phrase. Not how I could have fixed the situation, or what I could have said differently, but that one stupid phrase. It's awful in my head sometimes.

And I realized in the last couple of days, that I have an obsession that's been occupying most of my waking thoughts. A few dreams too, but that's a post for another day...


Confession: I've been obsessed with love since that stupid crush post I wrote.

It's just been on my mind constantly. And that's pretty new for me. In the last couple of years I haven't dated much, haven't done a whole lot on that front and I haven't cared to. It's just been me, on my own, and I'm perfectly fine with that. And then I write about crushes and a friend of mine opened up to me, as a result of that post, about their situation with dating and relationships, and it's been on my mind ever since.

And apparently everyone needs my advice in regards to this topic. This week alone (it is Tuesday people!) I've helped one friend flirt via Facebook messenger, helped my sister figure out how to set up a second date, and talked another through a love/existential crisis.

Who knows when it'll let up.

So what are you obsessed with? What random thoughts keep you up at night? Confess it to us!!


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