Things I'm Supposed to Hate Tuesday.

There are things in this world everyone expects you to hate... but some of them you just love too much. These are a few of mine.

Confession: I totally love destructive luxuries.

Flirting with the wrong kind of boy. Sleeping with eyeliner on. It makes me feel alive.

Confession: I do love being single.

Lately I've been thinking about trying to change that, but for the most part, I'm good. I've got great friends who don't really care. I love being on my own, in fact, I prefer my own company to that of other people. I don't need someone to go to dinner, the movies, on vacation.

Confession: I love wearing lots of makeup.

You're supposed to like the natural look, but I love unnatural colors on my lips, my eyes, I love fake lashes... basically, I want to look like a drag queen if I'm going to go outside.

Confession: I love boxed wine.

My palette is not refined. And the reality is, I'm probably going to overdo it. I may as well spend $6.

Confession: I really love tan lines.

I know, I know, you're supposed to wear all the sunscreen and wrap yourself in a blanket before going outside, but I am a Canadian of unknown European ancestry, and super busy. If I ever get enough time to sit outside, I'm going to make it count. Tan lines are a point of pride and proof that I will age like an old suitcase.

Confession: I love not being super skinny.

No one's surprised when I eat a dessert. I don't feel the need to even bother trying for a thigh gap. And yet, I feel pretty good about myself. It's freeing.

Confession: I love unreasonable heels.

They make me feel like the HBIC.

Forbidden love is the best love. What do you love that you shouldn't? Happy Confession Tuesday, guys!


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