Wear Sunscreen this Confession Tuesday.

I'm going to go a little topical on you guys this week. Not that I don't every week, but that's besides the point.

So over the weekend I went on vacation! My first vacation in a stupid long time. I can't even remember how long, but it's been an unimaginably long time. For my friends birthday weeks we took them to Six Flags and then spent a day at the beach. The combination of those two days resulted in all my pasty pale friends becoming incredibly sunburned and me being asked, "what are you?" in reference to my ethnicity since I didn't get burned so badly. (I'm not sure what I am, but I have an olive tone to my skin, maybe that makes a difference. I also reapplied my sunscreen a few times.)

It was a short trip, but it was so necessary. It came at the perfect time too and I'm so glad we had the chance to go. And we left California relaxed and happier than when we arrived, exhausted from walking everywhere, and covered in sand and two degree burns.

What happens next is inevitable.

The sunburns will start to peel.

And apparently this brings out a filthy habit in others.

Confession: I hate it when other people peel someone else's skin.

I cannot even begin to tell you how disgusting this is! I didn't even know this was a thing until recently. Ugh, it makes my stomach turn to think about it. It's just unnecessary!

My skin is peeling. That's not a good thing by the way, but then for someone else to start picking at it and peeling dead flaking skin off of my body...

...and people do this! They do! I've never had this urge, so I may not understand what the payoff is for either party. All I can think of is the hygiene issue. Not only is the peeled dead skin just lying on the floor somewhere, ew, some else's hands, the dirtiest part of the human body was peeling off your skin!! They got the dirt from under their nails on your freshly peeled skin AND in turn, your dead flaky skin is now under those nails! It's just a huge cluster of disgusting things!

I'm a bad writer because I can't articulate how or why this grosses me out other than to describe the act itself and assume that makes everyone else as sick as me.

What habits that other people have gross you out? If anyone makes me feel as gross about theirs as this one does you'll get a high five. Maybe. I talk about this stuff and never want to touch another human being ever. Tell me what awful things people do.


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