Decisions, decisions.

Part of my job is to work in the lab my advisor runs. At the moment we're doing a study on probationers on a mental health caseload. The thing about people on probation is that they tend to be slightly evasive. And by slightly, I mean, they lie to their PO's and give inaccurate information like their phone numbers or place of residence. Or they don't pay their bills and their phones get disconnected. So in order to find them to take part in our study every once in a while we go on home visits, or as I call them, drive-by's.

I went on a drive-by on Thursday and me and my lab partner only picked out a handful of people to try and connect with and the hardest part was actually getting her to agree to drive to all these places. Because according to her, a location that is 20 minutes from UTEP is a "hella far drive."


"20 minutes is like half of El Paso!!!"

"Oh-kay...1. We have to do it so there's really no point whining about it. And B. What the? Why?! 20 minutes IS NOT a long just isn't!"

Freaking small town townies. When everything's 5 minutes away going to the other side of town is a frickin' pilgrimage. Next time I'll pack sandwiches.

I had a meeting with people from the Mental Health Unit at the Public Defender's office on Wednesday. They initially told Jennifer that they wanted to apply for a grant but after talking to them I think they just want help.

Hello first year project.

So I'm going to the courthouse on Wednesday next week to shadow one of the attorneys. She's going to show me around and hopefully give me a glimpse of the data I have to work with because they were describing it to us and I threw up in my mouth a bit. They've been in action since 2005 and have about 200 people on what they refer to as a "roster" which I can only assume is a piece of paper with all the defendants names and phone numbers tacked up on a door somewhere.

But they were giving it the hard sell. They really want someone to come in and do something, so hopefully I'll have enough data to answer some kind of question. ANY question...but I'm thinking it will end up being something I work at my entire time in El Paso and will result in me telling them they need to get it together and how to do so.

I am taking the weekend to metaphorically roll up my sleeves.

Jennifer gave me some advice which is that I should have projects in varying stages at all times. So I've just mentioned 2. I also have screen data that I'm going to start playing with and write up something about substance use and comorbidity in the population of inmates who took the screen. And I want to work with my capstone from my Master's program to get it published; right now as a call to research, but I'm thinking next semester maybe, next year definitely, to collect data and actually turn it into some kind of research thread that my career can be built on.

I also opened my mouth in class and out popped another research question which Jennifer got really excited about so that goes in the file.

I don't know if I'll ever not be working again.

I'm planning on going to AP-LS, I think I've mentioned this before. What I didn't mention is that the social event for this year is...

...a booze cruise!

Right?! When will I ever get another chance to go on a booze cruise?! It's so shady and disgusting I can't even believe it's happening, but I feel like I need to see something like this is my lifetime. Decisions, decisions.

I also got an email letting us know the department needs teachers next year so I think I'm going to apply. I'd be teaching either intro to Psychology or Psychology and Law, both of which I took and loved, hence my current situation, but I'm kind of nervous. But mostly excited! I've always wanted to teach and here's the opportunity. I could be good at it.

El Paso is proving to be a bit of a tease at the moment. Example, there's a Starbucks down the street from my apartment. Awesome--it has a drive through, it's so close, convenient right? Yeah, no. And yet somehow, I think I'll give it another shot--it's Starbucks. It is. The people who work there are...what's the phrase? Pure evil? That's a good one. When I have to be somewhere, who are we kidding? When I have to be at school I go to the one across the street from school--they're so quick! I've sat in the drive through at the hell hole by my apartment for 35 minutes. You're trapped on that little road forever! And when you go in, it's no better.

This morning I went in to avoid the twilight zone where time stands still and said to the guy behind the counter with the apron, who works there presumably, "Grande nonfat no whip pumpkin spice latte, please." He says, "Ok, tall iced nonfat latte." Me, "? No...grande nonfat no whip pumpkin spice latte." Him, "Oh haha." I get, tall iced soy latte with pumpkin.

I didn't even know what that meant. I usually don't make them remake drinks, coffee is coffee and with all the extra crap in it it tastes the same. But the last time I had soy I wished I were dead. It tried to punch it's way out of my stomach and that guy takes my order every time and gets it wrong every time. He speaks perfect English too, it's not a classic El Paso-little Mexico Spanish is the language here thing.

So what do you think? Convenience over competency? The 2 next closest Starbucks are either on the I-10, about 15 minutes from that location, or across the street from UTEP, about 15 minutes in the other direction.

Either way, I've driven across half the city just for the cup of coffee I actually ordered.

Decisions, decisions.


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