You're the Voice Try and Understand It!

Tests themselves don't make me nervous. What makes me nervous is during the time you're waiting for the test to start you hear people talking about things you've never heard of before.

Yeah. Cue the music.

My first midterm as a PhD student was today.

Stats. Blah.

Historically, statistics and I don't have the best relationship. It's quite tempestuous because frankly I hate stats, but I see the need for them, but I don't get it, but when I do it feels so good.


But I've been hearing horror stories about Ozzie, the ANOVA teacher, and how his tests are total ball busters and he goes way too fast for anyone to learn. And maybe because this is the fifth stats class I've taken and we may be reviewing things I've already "learned", but I like him. And the test was not nearly as horrific as I was expecting.

Somehow I didn't experience any test anxiety which is new for me. It's so unusual that when I told my Mom she was quite shocked. I used to obsess and completely freak out about tests and I know it's gotten steadily better as I've gotten older but I am still human and a big nerdy one at that. I like to get good grades. And while I've made peace with the fact that my grade in stats will never be 'A' level, I bust my butt to get a 'B' and I'm glad for it.

Anyway, it's October now and I'm sure more things have happened in between now and when I got my haircut, but I have no idea what they might be. One thing. I have had "You're the Voice" by John Farnham stuck in my head since some fuzzy day last week. What the...why? Damn you catchy 80's power ballad that comes out of, literally, nowhere!

My days and weeks, my whole life is blending together in this whirling mix of deadlines and journal articles, grades and midterms. I've had moments recently where I've thought to myself, "You couldn't have just been happy being a friggin waitress?! NO! You had to be the smart girl, you had to go to school, not just school but you had to get a PhD! What is wrong with you O'Connor?!"

But after my midterm, I was walking out to my car and realized it's October. I just took my first midterm. The most intense and amazing experience of my life, while just beginning, is flying by.

I pulled out my Halloween decorations because I've been studying for 5 straight days and decided to forgo any and all work related anything. Plus I'm getting ready for Olive to come and stay!!! Little Kelly O'Connor will be here for the weekend! She'll be all alone on Friday while I go to school, but we're going to dinner, we're going to the movies, some girls from school are having a Wine and Baking party (right?!) so we're making an appearance and we'll get into other O'Connor shenanigans. I'm excited!!

In other news, my buddy Kasey and I have started writing a blog reviewing movies. It's what we do just together and his friend Jill read our discussion of "The Town" and suggested we turn it into a blog so we did!

Check it out at

It's just a chill conversation between friends who are movie aficionados and talk to each other honestly and a little/lot ridiculously. Hopefully it'll be entertaining and informative but note by the name that we will most likely spoil the movie for you if you haven't seen it so...yeah. As of now, there's only one review of "The Town" (which was awesome!) but we just talked about another one (he's pretty serious about this so I don't want to spoil the spoiler and reveal the movie in case he freaks out on me...) so that'll be posted soon.

We do this anyway, so now it's just public. I think it's really fun though :)


  1. I only get test anxiety when it comes to math. I am also very excited for a second means of reading your thoughts.


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