Promdom no Condom

My sister was here so my entire weekend was filled with relaxed fun like I haven't seen since the summer.

Thursday, I picked her up at the airport and we just spent the night in watching t.v. and doing homework because we're both in school. We weren't even into a full hour of being together when Kelly was telling me about a friend of hers who's pregnant and I regaled her with tales of how it's just going to be a common occurrence now that she's out of high school. I was surprised at how long some of her friends have waited; people I know have kids that started school this year. But I knew a girl who got pregnant at prom prompting Kelly to say, "promdom" rather than "prom" giving us our joke for the weekend.

Friday, I left her alone all day because I had school and a few meetings but afterwards we ate Mexican food! I haven't had any Mexican since I moved here somehow. There's Mexican food everywhere but I don't have the time/the money to eat out all the time or ever. But we went to a place called Los Bandidos de Carlos y Mickeys and ate Chicken Flautas which were delicious. We had a crazy hippie waiter who definitely overindulged in the environment juices back in the day. But the food was great! We then went to the movies and saw "Easy A" which I've seen but LOVEd and was more than willing to watch again. However, I ended up stuck next to a family of children although everyone was over the age of 15 and was smacked in the face with a sour punch rope candy during a game of keep away.

Saturday, we went to see "Life As We Know It" where a man who came by himself was cracking up at a preview of the movie we were 10 minutes from seeing. He ended up laughing obnoxiously throughout the entire thing and cried at the end. We then attempted to go to the Wine and Baking party. I had a can of pumpkin in my purse and was ready to bake but after about 10 minutes of knocking and ringing the doorbell decided to go shopping instead.

So I took her to the good shopping which is essentially Scottsdale in El Paso. I love it down there. It's a bit of a drive and I'm practically chained to my desk so I never get to spend as much time as I want so this was awesome. I bought a pair of Steve Madden shoes that I have been having dreams about for months. They're pretty and sparkly and they look perfect on my feet. So perfect in fact, that I'm wearing them right now. With my sweatpants. And I'd leave the house as is. I might wear them down to the mailbox later.

Sunday, we went to "It's Kind of a Funny Story" and I know this isn't my movie review blog but a plug and pat on the back to Zach Galifianakis who was so amazing! I love when comedians do serious work because they're usually so incredible and he really was. Beforehand, we went to the International Bakery and got pastries, no coffee though because the machine was broken. The last time we ordered coffee there only one guy knew how to work the machine and he was busy boxing a million scones or whatever and carrying them out to a woman's car and we had to wait for 20ish minutes to get a latte and 2 double mochas and this time no double mochas. Ah well. The pastries are cheap and decent. We then strolled around at a different mall for a little over an hour and then the trip was over. I took her to the airport, missed the turn off for the short term parking and had to circle the airport which is smaller than some malls I've been in, and she was off.

I'm glad she came to stay. I'm not looking forward to making up all the things I didn't do over the weekend but it was worth it. It was a fun break and I love my sister.

And finally, as a special treat Visa, somehow, decided my debit card had been compromised and despite my bank's belief that it was not decided to cancel it and send me a new one. Sure why not. Oh right, I thought it would be a good idea to get a bank in El Paso but since they suck have decided to stay with my Phoenix bank, a credit union only based in Phoenix, but forgot to change the address until about 2 weeks ago. So the card they sent was sent to my old address and I have to wait until sometime this week (hopefully!) for the new one. Like the responsible adult that I am, I forgot this would happen which means I forgot to go to the bank and now have about $7.49 to last all week. We'll see how it goes...

A few pictures from the weekend:

Picture at literally the last minute. On our way to the airport in the Cielo Vista Mall parking lot.

If Dorothy had them for night time and in every color.


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