Brown Eyed Girl Confession

This one time in 2003, I got into a huge fight, with my boyfriend, over who sang "Brown Eyed Girl." We were driving around in my purple Dodge Neon, screaming at each other over whether it was Jimmy Buffett or Van Morrison.

A bit of context: I had downloaded it and put it on a CD. The name on the download, was Jimmy Morrison (that's not even a real person--I mean, maybe, but he wasn't singing "Brown Eyed Girl" on that cd is what I'm saying), and this guy was convinced that it was Jimmy Buffett. Not only convinced, but unwilling to acquiesce to the fact that other artists sang that song.

Confession: It was the most absurd fight I've ever been in.

He kept trying to tell me that I was embarrassed because I made a mistake and that was why I was so adamant it was Van Morrison.

It didn't matter! It didn't matter who sang the song!

But I was not about to give up the cause to that guy. That guy who refused to acknowledge that other singers may have covered the song. That maybe he didn't know everything about the history of "Brown Eyed Girl." That I am not exactly the type of girl to have Jimmy Buffett on a homemade CD. At the next stoplight, I told him to get out and walk home.

It was totally Van Morrison, btdubs. Anyway, tell me about the most ridiculous thing you've ever gotten into a fight about. We all do it, just let it out.


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