
I'm running another blog.

Don't look at me like that.

In the last month I've taken on a new endeavor... Company Member at Brelby Theatre Co.!!! It was announced on their blog last week and my fellow Company Member, April, and I are co-managing the blog and getting it ready to get fabulous!!

It was completely unexpected that Shelby and Brian would ask me. I wrote a bit here about how bizarre it is that I even do theatre now, but to be invited into the group of people who help keep the theatre doing things, like blogging and fundraising, and being part of their community, so much that goes into running a small business, is insane! It's nuts.

I'm inexplicably excited about this year.

I've been actively working as a Company Member since March 15th and it has been the busiest, most fun I've had doing a job!

But what does that mean for this blog? Can I write two blogs at once? I feel like I barely write this one so... What's going to change?

Honestly, I have no idea.

Maybe everything.

Maybe nothing.

Maybe just me.


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