Two Questions, One Answer

Asking the right questions is at the heart of effective communication. I ask lots of questions. What I can't figure out is how to get answers.

I'm not going to take all the blame, because some people are just terrible communicators. Seriously, awful. But I need to learn to ask one question at a time in order to avoid situations like this:

Me: Do you want to go separately or together?

You: Yeah, that works for me.

Me: What?!

Or this:

Me: Does he get in to the show for free or does he have to use one of his comps?

You: He does.

Me: Two questions, one answer. Which is it?

And I see what's happening, but why doesn't anyone else? I never do this!! When I hear two questions, I pick the option I want! I discuss, I use my words!

Is this weird? Should I not ask two questions at one time? I have so much to say! And why would I say:

Me: Do you want to drive separately?

You: No let's go together.

Nevermind, that does make sense. You're right that is easier, this is all my fault.


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