Directional Confession: Part Two-fers-day

It's "fers-day"! A very special Confession Sunday, if you will.

It's been a year. One whole year since I first walked through Brelby's doors, not as a patron, but as someone who'd been manipulated into auditioning (you thought I was going to say artist didn't you? Sucker). Shelby's constant mass invitations to audition were easy enough to ignore until one day I got a personal message bribing me with all my favorite things, chocolate, wine, and shoes, if I would go to the callbacks for this musical they were doing.

My friend asked me to do her a favor. So I went. And I got cast. My first role in 10 years. And I haven't left yet.

Confession: I was determined not to make any friends when I went to Brelby.

I was there to do Shelby a favor, but if I'm being honest, I wanted to do it. I thought it would be fun to get back into theater and playing at all that, but I was there for Shelby. I wasn't going to try to get to know anyone there. In and out. One and done. That's what I wanted, that's what I said.

I actually said that. To guys I've since seen every single day this year. I think my exact words were, "once this show is over, you'll never see me again."

It's been a year. March 8, 2014 I went to callbacks for Oh, the Humanity! and since I have been involved in 9 shows (I'm counting Little Women and Dotty Dot, both coming soon!!), 3 creative challenges, 2 cabarets, and a movie. I also got to know a few people. Not only did I get to know some of them, and more with every show, but I even let a few of them know me, which is a big deal. That's not something I do. I don't let people in. I'm not trying to be mysterious, because, trust me, there is nothing mysterious about me at all, I just don't trust anyone.

And sure, I've met a few people that I could have gone my whole life and never needed to meet, that happens everywhere, but more importantly I've met so many people who I would've missed my whole life and never known why. And if I hadn't been at those callbacks none of it ever would have happened.

This year has been so fun and so heartbreaking and so challenging and so rewarding. It's been so much of everything I had no idea I was needing.

Even if I wanted to, I could never regret it. It's another thing that's changed me. Being there and finding these pieces of myself, meeting some people who have challenged me to be better, made me feel better. One whole year later I'm more me than I've been in a long time, and I blame them.

Your turn. It's Confession Sunday. What direction has your life gone in? What's something you've done in the last year or couple of years that's had a lasting impact on you. Who's changed you for better or worse?


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